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Packages from setasign

Package Status
setasign/cloud-kms-csr Tools to create and update certificate signing requests (CSRs) and self-signed certificates with keys from cloud key management systems (AWS KMS and Google Cloud KMS) Dependency Badge
setasign/composer-ioncube-license-installer Installer plugin for ioncube licenses Dependency Badge
setasign/fpdf FPDF is a PHP class which allows to generate PDF files with pure PHP. F from FPDF stands for Free: you may use it for any kind of usage and modify it to suit your needs. Dependency Badge
setasign/fpdi FPDI is a collection of PHP classes facilitating developers to read pages from existing PDF documents and use them as templates in FPDF. Because it is also possible to use FPDI with TCPDF, there are no fixed dependencies defined. Please see suggestions for packages which evaluates the dependencies automatically. Dependency Badge
setasign/fpdi-fpdf Kind of metadata package for dependencies of the latest versions of FPDI and FPDF. Dependency Badge
setasign/fpdi-protection A FPDI compatible version of the FPDF_Protection script. Dependency Badge
setasign/fpdi-tcpdf Kind of metadata package for dependencies of the latest versions of FPDI and TCPDF. Dependency Badge
setasign/fpdi-tfpdf Kind of metadata package for dependencies of the latest versions of FPDI and tFPDF. Dependency Badge
setasign/phpcs-teamcity-report Dependency Badge
setasign/php-stub-generator A tool to generate stub-files for your php classes. Dependency Badge
setasign/setafpdf SetaFPDF is a clone of FPDF with an almost compatible interface while using SetaPDF-Core internally for the PDF generation. Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-image-extractor A proof-of-concept for extracting images from PDF files with SetaPDF. Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-signer-addon-aws-kms A SetaPDF-Signer component signature module for the AWS Key Management Service. Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-signer-addon-azure-keyvault A SetaPDF-Signer component signature module for the Azure KeyVault. Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-signer-addon-cosign A signature module for the SetaPDF-Signer component by wrapping the CoSign Signature SOAP API. Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-signer-addon-csc A SetaPDF-Signer component signature module for a CSC API. Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-signer-addon-cumulo A SetaPDF-Signer component signature module for the Cumulo API. Dependency Badge
setasign/seta-pdf-signer-addon-global-sign-dss A SetaPDF-Signer component signature module for the GlobalSign Digital Signing Service. Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-signer-addon-global-sign-qss A SetaPDF-Signer component signature module for the GlobalSign Qualified Signing Service. Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-signer-addon-globaltrust-trust2go A signature add-on for the SetaPDF-Signer component for TRUST2GO by GLOBALTRUST Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-signer-addon-google-cloud-kms A SetaPDF-Signer component signature module for the Google Cloud Key Management Service. Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-signer-addon-pkcs11 A SetaPDF-Signer component signature add-on for accessing keys through the PKCS11 interface. Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-signer-addon-quovadis A SetaPDF-Signer component signature module for the QuoVadis Signing and Validation Service. Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-signer-addon-safe A SetaPDF-Signer component signature module for the "Serviço de Assinatura de Faturas Eletrónicas" (SAFE) of the Portuguese State. Dependency Badge
setasign/setapdf-signer-addon-swisscomais A signature module and batch processor for the SetaPDF-Signer component wrapping the Swisscom AIS webservice. Dependency Badge
setasign/tfpdf This class is a modified version of FPDF that adds UTF-8 support. As of version 1.31 it is based on FPDF 1.82. Before it was based on FPDF 1.7. Dependency Badge