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Packages from serafim

Package Status
serafim/asset Asset Pipleine for Laravel 5. Dependency Badge
serafim/boson Native PHP WebView bridge Dependency Badge
serafim/calc Dependency Badge
serafim/castxml CastXml wrapper for PHP Dependency Badge
serafim/dbc Design by Contract framework for PHP Dependency Badge
serafim/evacuator Try-catch with multiple retries Dependency Badge
serafim/example Dependency Badge
serafim/ffi-ide-helper PHP FFI Helper for IDEA-based IDEs Dependency Badge
serafim/ffi-loader FFI libraries loader with simple preprocessor Dependency Badge
serafim/ffi-sdl SDL FFI bindings for the PHP language Dependency Badge
serafim/ffi-sdl-image SDL Image FFI bindings for the PHP language Dependency Badge
serafim/ffi-sdl-mixer SDL Mixer FFI bindings for the PHP language Dependency Badge
serafim/ffi-sdl-ttf SDL TTF FFI bindings for the PHP language Dependency Badge
serafim/geokit Geo-Toolkit for PHP Dependency Badge
serafim/gist Model json serialize filters for Laravel 4 Dependency Badge
serafim/gitter-api Gitter async api Dependency Badge
serafim/graph-sdk Facebook SDK for PHP compatible with PHP 8.1 Dependency Badge
serafim/haxe-watcher Haxe language watcher Dependency Badge
serafim/immutable Simple helper to ensure immutable objects Dependency Badge
serafim/interval A small library that implements the interval iterator function Dependency Badge
serafim/json5 JSON5 parser Dependency Badge
serafim/json-api JSON-API responses in PHP Dependency Badge
serafim/laravel-annotations Laravel annotations bridge Dependency Badge
serafim/larecipe Generate gorgeous recipes for your Laravel applications using MarkDown Dependency Badge
serafim/opengl-demo Dependency Badge
serafim/packed-array Typed arrays with reduced memory consumption Dependency Badge
serafim/pipe Library for implementing function call chains Dependency Badge
serafim/placeholder Simple placeholder implementation for functional constructions Dependency Badge
serafim/properties PHP properties implementation Dependency Badge
serafim/railt-authorization Railt authorization extension for Laravel Framework Dependency Badge
serafim/stream PHP streaming library Dependency Badge
serafim/symbol The Symbol type PHP implementation Dependency Badge
serafim/tf-idf Library to calculate TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency) for generic documents Dependency Badge
serafim/zephir-composer-plugin Composer plugin to supports installation of zephir-lang based sources Dependency Badge
serafim/zephir-example Zephir example library Dependency Badge