
4 total, 1 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
illuminate/support The Illuminate Support package. ^6.0 | ^7.0 | ^8.0 | ^9.0 | ^10.0 | ^11.0 v12.0.1 outdated
nyholm/psr7 A fast PHP7 implementation of PSR-7 ^1.0 1.8.2 up to date
sentry/sentry PHP SDK for Sentry ( ^4.10 4.10.0 up to date
symfony/psr-http-message-bridge PSR HTTP message bridge ^1.0 | ^2.0 | ^6.0 | ^7.0 v7.2.0 up to date

Requires (dev)

9 total, 4 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer A tool to automatically fix PHP code style ^3.11 v3.70.1 up to date
guzzlehttp/guzzle Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library ^7.2 7.9.2 up to date
laravel/folio Page based routing for Laravel. ^1.1 v1.1.10 up to date
laravel/framework The Laravel Framework. ^6.0 | ^7.0 | ^8.0 | ^9.0 | ^10.0 | ^11.0 v46011 outdated
livewire/livewire A front-end framework for Laravel. ^2.0 | ^3.0 v3.6.0 up to date
mockery/mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework ^1.3 1.6.12 up to date
orchestra/testbench Laravel Testing Helper for Packages Development ^4.7 | ^5.1 | ^6.0 | ^7.0 | ^8.0 | ^9.0 v10.0.0 outdated
phpstan/phpstan PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool ^1.10 2.1.6 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^8.4 | ^9.3 | ^10.4 12.0.5 outdated