
11 total, 10 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
anahkiasen/underscore-php A redacted port of Underscore.js for PHP 2.0.* 2.0.0 up to date
danielstjules/stringy A string manipulation library with multibyte support ~1.8|~2.0 3.1.0 outdated
gabrielelana/byte-units Library to parse, format and convert byte units 0.2.* 0.5.0 outdated
illuminate/config The Illuminate Config package. ~5.1 v11.23.5 outdated
illuminate/console The Illuminate Console package. ~5.1 v11.23.5 outdated
illuminate/filesystem The Illuminate Filesystem package. ~5.1 v11.23.5 outdated
illuminate/support The Illuminate Support package. ~5.1 v11.23.5 outdated
laravelcollective/html HTML and Form Builders for the Laravel Framework ~5.1 v6.4.1 outdated
radic/blade-extensions Laravel package providing additional Blade extensions: foreach (with $loop data like twig), break, continue, set,array (multiline), etc ~6.1 7.4.0 outdated
symfony/filesystem Provides basic utilities for the filesystem ~2.7|~3.0 v7.1.5 outdated
symfony/options-resolver Provides an improved replacement for the array_replace PHP function ~2.0|~3.0 v7.1.1 outdated

Requires (dev)

1 total, all up-to-date

Package Required Latest Status
sebwite/testbench Test stuff 1.0.* 1.0.5 up to date