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Packages from se7enxweb

Package Status
se7enxweb/autonotifications Add automatic notification settings when a user registers, including digest settings Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/autorss Auto RSS is a simple eZ Publish Platform (Legacy) workflow extension which provides a simple set of tools for rss feed creation via workflow event. Great for advanced developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/bccie eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a flexible solution for quick and simple export of collected information content in csv or sylk formatted files with eZ Publish Legacy. Great for reports! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/bcgeneratestaticcache eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple solution to regenerate static cache via command line or cronjob. Great for static html websites! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/bcgmapslocation eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple solution for storing latitude / longitude points with-in a object by using Google Maps to identify and mark location positions on map using a postal address. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/bcgooglesitemaps eZ Publish extension which provides cronjob scripts to generate complex website sitemaps. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/bcimagealias eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple solution for exporting all images stored in ezpublish to disk and from there to a content delivery network (CDN). Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/bckernelmoduleoverride BC Kernel Module Override is a simple eZ Publish Platform (Legacy) kernel override extension which overrides the default ezmodule class to provide a simple feature it allows extension based module views to override default kernel module views. Great for advanced developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/bctoplevelnode Creates Skeleton Content Tree Node In Root Of Content Tree (Above default content root node) right next to the other top level nodes like media, user, design, setup. Easy to use. Use it once and experence the true freedom of eZ Content Trees! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/bcurlaliaswithdash BC Url Alias With Dash is a simple eZ Publish Platform (Legacy) kernel override extension which overrides the default ezchartransform class to provide a simple feature it allows all content urls to be separated by a dash character rather than the default underscor character. Great for advanced developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/bcwebshop eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple solution for extending thet default eZ Publish Web Shop within an well developed extension. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/bcwebsitestatistics eZ Publish Legacy extension BC Website Statistics allows a website to collect page view, web shop order and other statistics using Google Analytics. This product is a Certified eZ Publish Extension. With the BC Website Statistics you can collect web site user page view, file download and web shop order statistics with eZ Publish using the popular Google Analytics service Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/birthday This datatype stores the date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD in the data_text field Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ Clone Website and edit the eZ Publish 6 website Maintained by 7x to build your own website. For General Use With PHP 8.3. Further feature releases in development. Please sponsor our work on the eZ Publish (System). This is capable of being used standalone or combined with Ibexa OSS Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/createmultiplelocationruleevent Adds locations to content when they are created dynamicaly via workflow event. Great for savy developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/enhancedezbinaryfile eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple solution for extending thet default eZ Publish Binary File Datatype with support for uploadable files for collected information nodes. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/enhancedselection2 The Enhanced Selection type was initially based on the standard eZ publish Selection ('ezselection') datatype. It's original intent was to provide the same functionality as the standard datatype, but store an identifier instead of an id in the contentobject attribute. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezauthorize eZ Publish Legacy extension eZ Authorize is a complete eZ Publish webshop payment gateway extension which provides robust, transparent, secure credit card payment processing using the eZ Publish and the Authorize.Net credit card processing service. eZ Authorize provides a extensive and quality documentation Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezautosave Content editing autosave extension for eZ Publish legacy Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezautosave-ls Content editing autosave extension for eZ Publish legacy Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezcomments eZ Publish Legacy comments extension (alternative; stores comments seperate from ezpublish for easy usage) Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezcomments-ls-extension eZ Publish Legacy comments extension (alternative; stores comments seperate from ezpublish for easy usage) Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezcontentstaging eZ Content Staging provides content synchronization from one eZ Publish installations to another via REST configured on both instalations of eZ Publish. Great for smarter developers!. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezdemo eZ Publish Legacy Demo Website extension Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezdemo-ls-extension eZ Publish Legacy Demo Website extension Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezevent eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple solution for extending thet default eZ Publish Web Shop within an well developed extension. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezfind eZ Find is a search extension for eZ Publish legacy, providing more functionality and better results than the default search in eZ Publish. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezfind-ls eZ Find is a search extension for eZ Publish legacy, providing more functionality and better results than the default search in eZ Publish. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezflow eZ Publish Legacy Flow extension Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezflow-ls-extension eZ Publish Legacy Flow extension Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezgmaplocation eZ Publish Legacy map location datatype extension Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezgoogletranslate eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple solution for extending thet default eZ Publish Web Shop within an well developed extension. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezgpg eZ Publish Legacy extension eZ GPG is an extension which provides simple, transparent, secure (openpgp compatible) encryption and decryption functionality to eZ Publish using the GNU Privacy Guard, GPG Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezie An image editor for simple and usual image modifications integrated in the editing interface of any eZ Publish Content Object that has at least an image as attribute. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezie-ls An image editor for simple and usual image modifications integrated in the editing interface of any eZ Publish Content Object that has at least an image as attribute. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezlightbox eZ Publish Legacy feature addition. Adds support for lightboxes with your website via a stable extension Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezmbpaex eZ Publish Legacy Extension that provides functionality for password expiration and validation. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezmbpaex-ls eZ Publish Legacy Extension that provides functionality for password expiration and validation. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezmultiupload Multi-upload extension for eZ Publish legacy Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/eznewsletter eZ Publish solution for newslester composition and sending to users. Give it a try today! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezodf This extension provides for the import and export of Writer documents within eZ Publish Legacy Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezodf-ls This extension provides for the import and export of Writer documents within eZ Publish Legacy Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezoracle Database driver for eZ Publish CMS to use Oracle for a database backend Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezownerchange eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple solution for changing a content node creator field with the user selected. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezpaypal eZ Publish extension which provides for real time payment processing for ecommerce websites. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezphttprequest Provides ezpHttpRequest, a child class of HttpRequest Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezpm eZ Complete Private Messaging solution for your existing eZ Publish Websites. This is a Module Extension. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezpostgresqlcluster eZ PostgreSQL is a database driver extension for eZ Publish Legacy, providing more functionality and better results than the default database driver MySQL in eZ Publish. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezprestapi 7x eZ Publish REST API v2 is a simple eZ Publish Platform (Legacy) REST API extension which replaces the ezrestapiprovider extension entierly. Provides REST API CRUD End Points via HTTP/S. Great for modern developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezprestapiprovider eZ Publish REST API v1 content provider Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezpublish eZ Publish 6. Maintained by 7x. For General Use With PHP 8.3. Further feature releases in development. Please sponsor our work on the eZ Publish (System). This is capable of being used standalone or combined with Ibexa OSS Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezpublishbasic eZ Publish Basic 2.4. Maintained by 7x. For General Use With PHP 8.3. Further feature releases in development. Please sponsor our work on the eZ Publish (System). This is capable of being used standalone for a personal home page cms that is simple and easy to understand. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezpublish-legacy-installer Not inteaded to be used directly by end users. This is a custom composer installer for eZ Publish legacy extensions. Installer for eZ Publish Legacy extensions and Legacy Kernel. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezscriptmonitor eZ Publish extension that aims to avoid timeout problems and database corruption by moving long running processes from the GUI to the background. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezscriptmonitor-ls eZ Publish extension that aims to avoid timeout problems and database corruption by moving long running processes from the GUI to the background. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezsi eZ Publish Legacy Extension for server/edge side include functionality usable as template blocks Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezsi-ls eZ Publish Legacy Extension for server/edge side include functionality usable as template blocks Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezssp Subtree Skeleton Publisher copies a skeleton node tree to a given node via workflow event. Great for savy developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezstarrating eZ Star Rating is an extension that allows the addition of a rating system to eZ publish content objects via a dedicated datatype. The current version allows ratings between 1 and 5 stars; users can vote once per session. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezstarrating-ls-extension eZ Star Rating is an extension that allows the addition of a rating system to eZ publish content objects via a dedicated datatype. The current version allows ratings between 1 and 5 stars; users can vote once per session. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezsvn eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides feature complete simple solution for version management of resources using Subversion (SVN) for version control of extension content. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/eztags eZ Tags is an extension for eZ Publish, providing more functionality for tagging content objects than ezkeyword datatype included in eZ Publish kernel. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/eztags-ls eZ Tags is an extension for eZ Publish, providing more functionality for tagging content objects than ezkeyword datatype included in eZ Publish kernel. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezteamroom eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a advanced team management solution for extending thet default eZ Publish within an well developed extension. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezupdate eZ Update offers composer package(s) updates - Use this feature to update your website to the latest available release via composer Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezwebin eZ Publish Legacy website interface extension Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezwt eZ Publish Legacy website toolbar extension. Great for editing small to medium sized website content by untrained end users. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezwt-ls-extension eZ Publish Legacy website toolbar extension. Great for editing small to medium sized website content by untrained end users. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezxmlexport-ls eZ Publish Legacy Extension for exporting large amounts of content for for instance pushing to static cache or backup Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/ezxmlinstaller-ls The eZ XML Installer extension is a plattform to define proccesses for eZ Publish and execute them. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/git_manager Git Manager offers Local / remote branch checkout - Use this feature to update your website to the latest available commit in your git repository Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/hcaptcha eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple captcha solution for user registration and any forms. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/jvembedtag Collection of custom tags for eZ Publish, to embed external content like from Spotify, YouTube, DailyMotion or Vimeo Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/mugo_codemirror eZ Publish extension based solution to allow editing HTML code within content objects with specially designed codemirror content editor. Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/nxc_powercontent NXC Power Content is a simple eZ Publish Platform (Legacy) class and module extension which provides advanced features for dynamic content creation, update and removal. Useful in a rest api and general content manipulation extensions. Great for advanced developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/owmultisite eZ Publish extension which provides template operators to use to build flexible multi website content handling. Time Tested. Great for all ecommerce websites. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/owsimpleoperator eZ Publish extension which provides function based custom template operator support to generate complex template logic increadibly simply. Provides for simple template operator implementation guide that is needed quite often, yet missing in eZ Publish. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/powercontent Power Content Provides for Publishing any type of content dynamically without needing to first visit content/edit view to input content durring creation (POST) Actions. Great for advanced developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/recaptcha eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple recaptcha solution for user registration and any forms. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/regexpline eZ Publish legacy extension providing a datatype that validates its content against regular expressions Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/sevenx_digg 7x Digg is a simple eZ Publish Platform (Legacy) datatype extension which replaces the ezoption datatype. Great for advanced developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/sevenx_diggclone 7x DiggClone is a simple eZ Publish Platform (Legacy) datatype extension which replaces the ezoption datatype. Great for advanced developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/sevenx_themes_simple eZ Publish extension which provides for a brand new default design for any ezwebin, ezflow or ezdemo website. Great for all ecommerce websites. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/sevenx_valkey eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple solution for extending the default eZ Publish to provide for Valkey, DragonflyDB, Redis Database support. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/swark eZ Publish extension which provides template operators to generate complex template logic simply. Provides many template operators and a couple of workflow events which are needed very often, yet missing in eZ Publish. Great for smart developers! Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/xrowextract This extenstion delivers tools for extracting/exporting content object data to csv Dependency Badge
se7enxweb/xrowmetadata Add SEO Meta Data to content objects also provides sitemap capabilities to eZ Publish Dependency Badge