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Packages from sandstorm

Package Status
sandstorm/ckeditorinspector Integrate the CKEditor Inspector into the Neos UI (only in Dev context) Dependency Badge
sandstorm/configloader Dependency Badge
sandstorm/contentcomments A Neos package to add content comments to any node (as communication medium) Dependency Badge
sandstorm/cookiepunch Block elements like iframes and scripts before the markup reaches the browser and provide a dialog in the browser to enable them again. Dependency Badge
sandstorm/crudforms Create easy CRUD forms for Domain Models in Flow and Neos CMS Dependency Badge
sandstorm/e2etesttools Dependency Badge
sandstorm/fuzzer Improve your Functional and Unit Tests by Fuzzing: A technique to find missing edge cases in tests. Dependency Badge
sandstorm/gedmotranslatableconnector Connector to make Gedmo Translatable work with Neos Flow Dependency Badge
sandstorm/heroku Integration of Flow and Neos based projects with Heroku or Dokku PAAS Platform Dependency Badge
sandstorm/lazydatasource Neos package implementing a lazy data source for the UI; so that the elements are loaded lazily on demand. Dependency Badge
sandstorm/lightweightelasticsearch Dependency Badge
sandstorm/mxgraph Integrate / into Neos as Node Type for creating interactive diagrams and flowcharts Dependency Badge
sandstorm/neosacl Dependency Badge
sandstorm/neos-cookieconsent Dependency Badge
sandstorm/neosh5p H5P Platform Integration Plugin for Neos CMS Dependency Badge
sandstorm/neostwofactorauthentication Dependency Badge
sandstorm/newsletter Package for Neos, such that it can be used to send Newsletters in a performant way. Dependency Badge
sandstorm/optimizedrediscachebackend Dependency Badge
sandstorm/phpprofiler Base package for collecting timers and xhprof traces. Can be used with sandstorm/plumber for visualization. Dependency Badge
sandstorm/plumber Profiling Toolkit for TYPO3 Flow and Neos Dependency Badge
sandstorm/templatemailer Neos and Flow package for simple handling of template-based emails, including CSS inlining Dependency Badge
sandstorm/uploadtospecificresourcecollection Dependency Badge
sandstorm/usermanagement Neos and Flow package for user management, login/logout, password reset and user activation Dependency Badge