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Packages from sandrokeil

Package Status
sandrokeil/arangodb-php-client ArangoDB Core Client Dependency Badge
sandrokeil/blockchain-wallet-api Zend Framework 2 client library for blockchain wallet api. Configure request, call the service and access the response data via objects. Dependency Badge
sandrokeil/citools Composer meta package of QA tools for Travis, Coveralls and Scrutenizer Dependency Badge
sandrokeil/code-generator Zend Framework 2 (ZF2) code generator which generates form and input filter depending on database or doctrine 2 meta data. Dependency Badge
sandrokeil/easy-config Zend Framework 2 (zf2) module to retrieve specific module options and provides some abstract factories to create easily instances depending on configuration Dependency Badge
sandrokeil/html-element Zend Framework view helper plugin to use html tags like objects and to render them. Dependency Badge
sandrokeil/interop-config Provides interfaces and a concrete implementation to create instances depending on configuration via factory classes and ensures a valid config structure. It can also be used to auto discover factories and to create configuration files. Dependency Badge
sandrokeil/php-to-zephir Convert PHP 7 files to Zephir zep files Dependency Badge