
26 total, 23 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
composer/xdebug-handler Restarts a process without Xdebug. ^1.4 3.0.5 outdated
doctrine/annotations Docblock Annotations Parser ^1.10.2 2.0.2 outdated
doctrine/inflector PHP Doctrine Inflector is a small library that can perform string manipulations with regard to upper/lowercase and singular/plural forms of words. ^1.3 2.0.10 outdated
jean85/pretty-package-versions A library to get pretty versions strings of installed dependencies ^1.2 2.0.6 outdated
jetbrains/phpstorm-stubs PHP runtime & extensions header files for PhpStorm dev-master#11e2d07705b8b7063a984f49a27d8c3120288e31 v2024.2 outdated
nette/robot-loader 🍀 Nette RobotLoader: high performance and comfortable autoloader that will search and autoload classes within your application. ^3.2 v4.0.2 outdated
nette/utils 🛠 Nette Utils: lightweight utilities for string & array manipulation, image handling, safe JSON encoding/decoding, validation, slug or strong password generating etc. ^3.1 v4.0.5 outdated
nikic/php-parser A PHP parser written in PHP 4.5 v5.3.0 outdated
ondram/ci-detector Detect continuous integration environment and provide unified access to properties of current build ^3.4 4.2.0 outdated
phpstan/phpdoc-parser PHPDoc parser with support for nullable, intersection and generic types ^0.4.7 1.32.0 outdated
phpstan/phpstan PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool ^0.12.32 1.12.5 outdated
phpstan/phpstan-phpunit PHPUnit extensions and rules for PHPStan ^0.12.10 1.4.0 outdated
psr/simple-cache Common interfaces for simple caching ^1.0 3.0.0 outdated
sebastian/diff Diff implementation ^3.0|^4.0 6.0.2 outdated
symfony/cache Provides extended PSR-6, PSR-16 (and tags) implementations ^4.4.8|^5.0.6 v7.1.5 outdated
symfony/console Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces ^4.4.8|^5.0.6 v7.1.5 outdated
symfony/dependency-injection Allows you to standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed in your application ^4.4.8|^5.0.6 v7.1.5 outdated
symfony/finder Finds files and directories via an intuitive fluent interface ^4.4.8|^5.0.6 v7.1.4 outdated
symfony/process Executes commands in sub-processes ^4.4.8|^5.0.6 v7.1.5 outdated
symplify/auto-bind-parameter Auto bind parameters for your Symfony applications ^8.1.2 8.3.16 up to date
symplify/autowire-array-parameter Autowire array parameters for your Symfony applications ^8.1.2 11.1.26 outdated
symplify/console-color-diff Package to print diffs in console with colors ^8.1.2 10.0.24 outdated
symplify/package-builder Dependency Injection, Console and Kernel toolkit for Symplify packages. ^8.1.2 11.3.2 outdated
symplify/parameter-name-guard Prevent silent parameter typos that silently break your app ^8.1.2 v8.2.1 up to date
symplify/set-config-resolver Resolve config and sets from configs and cli opptions for CLI applications ^8.1.2 v9.3.12 outdated
tracy/tracy 😎 Tracy: the addictive tool to ease debugging PHP code for cool developers. Friendly design, logging, profiler, advanced features like debugging AJAX calls or CLI support. You will love it. ^2.7 v2.10.8 up to date

Requires (dev)

13 total, 12 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer A tool to automatically fix PHP code style ^2.16 v3.64.0 outdated
johnkary/phpunit-speedtrap Find and report on slow tests in your PHPUnit test suite ^3.2 v4.0.1 outdated
ocramius/package-versions Provides efficient querying for installed package versions (no runtime IO) ^1.4|^1.5 2.9.0 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^8.5|^9.0 11.3.6 outdated
psr/event-dispatcher Standard interfaces for event handling. ^1.0 1.0.0 up to date
slam/phpstan-extensions Slam extension of phpstan ^5.0 v6.5.0 outdated
slevomat/coding-standard Slevomat Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer complements Consistence Coding Standard by providing sniffs with additional checks. dev-master 8.15.0 outdated
symplify/changelog-linker Generates beautiful with links to PRs, versions and users grouped in Added/Changed/Fixed/Removed categories. ^8.1.2 v9.2.6 outdated
symplify/easy-coding-standard Use Coding Standard with 0-knowledge of PHP-CS-Fixer and PHP_CodeSniffer ^8.1.2 12.3.5 outdated
symplify/easy-testing Testing made easy ^8.1.2 11.1.26 outdated
symplify/monorepo-builder Prefixed version of Not only Composer tools to build a Monorepo. ^8.1.2 11.2.22 outdated
symplify/phpstan-extensions Pre-escaped error messages in 'symplify' error format, container aware test case and other useful extensions for PHPStan ^8.1.2 11.4.3 outdated
thecodingmachine/phpstan-strict-rules A set of additional rules for PHPStan based on best practices followed at TheCodingMachine ^0.12 v1.0.0 outdated