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Packages from raphhh

Package Status
raphhh/acdc PHP generator stream Dependency Badge
raphhh/balloon Tiny file ORM Dependency Badge
raphhh/php-app-bootstrap A bootstrap for a web application, including basic common files and settings Dependency Badge
raphhh/php-lib-bootstrap A bootstrap for a PHP lib, including basic common files and settings Dependency Badge
raphhh/pinguin A command line interface for Doctrine Dependency Badge
raphhh/pumpkin A helper for mocks and database resources in PHPUnit Dependency Badge
raphhh/puppy A micro-framework to create websites using Twig Dependency Badge
raphhh/puppy-application HTTP package for Puppy framework Dependency Badge
raphhh/puppy-client client to test puppy Dependency Badge
raphhh/puppy-config Config manager Dependency Badge
raphhh/puppy-service Services for Puppy framework Dependency Badge
raphhh/puppy-session session module for Puppy framework Dependency Badge
raphhh/puppy-static-route Static routing module for Puppy framework Dependency Badge
raphhh/puppy-template template module for Puppy framework Dependency Badge
raphhh/samurai PHP scaffolding tool - creates for you all the files you need to start a new project Dependency Badge
raphhh/samurai-module-cleaner Files cleaner module for Samurai Dependency Badge
raphhh/samurai-module-git Git module for Samurai Dependency Badge
raphhh/trex A PHP class helper Dependency Badge
raphhh/trex-cli Command process helper Dependency Badge
raphhh/trex-collection Helpers to manipulate collections Dependency Badge
raphhh/trex-parser A PHP tool to parse code and extract statements Dependency Badge
raphhh/trex-reflection Reflection helpers for callables and types Dependency Badge