.Package | Status | |
prezent/crud-bundle | Easy CRUD for Symfony | |
prezent/doctrine-translatable | Translatable behaviour extension for Doctrine2 | |
prezent/doctrine-translatable-bundle | Integrate the doctrine-translatable extension in Symfony2 | |
prezent/dompdf-bundle | Integrates the dompdf library into a Symfony application | |
prezent/excel-exporter | Wrapper around PhpSpreadsheet to export data to Excel | |
prezent/feature-flag-bundle | Integrates Feature Flags into you Symfony project | |
prezent/grid | Generic data grids and lists | |
prezent/grid-bundle | Generic data grids and lists using prezent-grid | |
prezent/ink-bundle | Easy responsive e-mails using Foundation and Inky | |
prezent/inky | PHP implementation of Zurb's Inky parser | |
prezent/openprovider | OpenProvider PHP API | |
prezent/phpwktadapter | Read and parse 2D, 3D and 4D WKT (Well Known Text) / EWKT (Extended Well-Known Text) object strings into geometry objects with this simple WKT PHP adapter library. | |
prezent/pulse-bundle | Basic analytics event tracking in Symfony | |
prezent/push-bundle | Symfony bundle to sent push notifications through various providers | |
prezent/pushwoosh-bundle | Integrates the gomoob/php-pushwoosh library into a Symfony2 application | |
prezent/soap-client | Easily extendable SOAP client with WS-Addressing support | |
prezent/translation-bundle | Adds functionality to the Symfony Translator |