.Package | Status | |
pragmarx/artisan-tool | Brings Artisan to Nova | |
pragmarx/ci | A Self-Hosted TDD Dashboard & Tests Watcher | |
pragmarx/coollection | Laravel Illuminate collection with objectified properties | |
pragmarx/countries | PHP Countries and Currencies | |
pragmarx/countries-laravel | Countries for Laravel | |
pragmarx/datatables | Server-side handler of DataTables Jquery Plugin for Laravel 4 | |
pragmarx/deeployer | A Laravel 4.1+ automatic application deployment package via git webhooks | |
pragmarx/firewall | A Laravel IP whitelisting and blacklisting | |
pragmarx/glottos | A PHP 5.3+ Online Translation/Localization System | |
pragmarx/google2fa | A One Time Password Authentication package, compatible with Google Authenticator. | |
pragmarx/google2fa-laravel | A One Time Password Authentication package, compatible with Google Authenticator. | |
pragmarx/google2fa-qrcode | QR Code package for Google2FA | |
pragmarx/googleforms | Post Data to Google Forms Spreadsheets | |
pragmarx/health | Laravel Server & App Health Monitor and Notifier | |
pragmarx/ia-arr | Laravel Illuminate Agnostic Arr | |
pragmarx/ia-collection | Laravel Illuminate Agnostic Collection | |
pragmarx/ia-str | Laravel Illuminate Agnostic Str | |
pragmarx/laravelcs | PHP_CodeSniffer custom Sniff for Laravel coding standard | |
pragmarx/nova-boolean-datetime-field | A Laravel Nova Boolean DateTime field. | |
pragmarx/random | Create random chars, numbers, strings | |
pragmarx/recovery | Create recovery codes for two factor auth | |
pragmarx/sqli | A Laravel Artisan SQL Interactive Interface | |
pragmarx/steroids | Laravel 4 Blade on Steroids | |
pragmarx/support | PragmaRX components support package | |
pragmarx/tddd | A Self-Hosted TDD Dashboard & Tests Watcher | |
pragmarx/tracker | A Laravel Visitor Tracker | |
pragmarx/trivia | A trivia json database and a PHP generator | |
pragmarx/ua-parser | DO NOT USER THIS PACKAGE DIRECTLY, pleas go to | |
pragmarx/version | Take control over your Laravel app version | |
pragmarx/yaml | Load your Laravel config files using yaml | |
pragmarx/zipcode | A worldwide address-by-zipcode searcher. |