.Package | Status | |
phpgt/async | Promise-based non-blocking operations. | |
phpgt/build | Client-side build system for PHP projects. | |
phpgt/cipher | Two-way encryption of messages for secure plain text transmission. | |
phpgt/cli | Command line interface builder. | |
phpgt/config | Manage configuration with ini files and environment variables. | |
phpgt/cookie | Object oriented cookie handler. | |
phpgt/cron | Run scripts or static functions at regular intervals. | |
phpgt/csrf | Automatic protection from Cross-Site Request Forgery. | |
phpgt/cssxpath | Convert CSS selectors to XPath queries. | |
phpgt/curl | cURL object wrapper. | |
phpgt/curlinterface | cURL object wrapper. | |
phpgt/daemon | Background script execution with cross-platform compatible streaming. | |
phpgt/database | Database API organisation. | |
phpgt/dataobject | Structured, type-safe, immutable data transfer. | |
phpgt/dom | Modern DOM API. | |
phpgt/domtemplate | Bind dynamic data to reusable HTML components. | |
phpgt/domvalidation | Server side form validation using web standards. | |
phpgt/fetch | Asynchronous HTTP client with promises. | |
phpgt/filecache | Cache data in local files. | |
phpgt/gtcommand | Provides the `gt` command for automating WebEngine development. | |
phpgt/http | PSR-7 HTTP message implementation. | |
phpgt/input | Encapsulated user input. | |
phpgt/installer | Installs the `gt` commands for easy management of projects. | |
phpgt/json | Structured, type-safe, immutable JSON objects. | |
phpgt/logger | PSR-3 logger and implementation. | |
phpgt/promise | Pleasantly work with asynchronous code. | |
phpgt/propfunc | Property accessor and mutator functions. | |
phpgt/protectedglobal | Protect against accidental use of superglobals. | |
phpgt/routing | Routes HTTP requests to your code. | |
phpgt/server | Development HTTP server. | |
phpgt/servicecontainer | Centralised container of a project's core objects. | |
phpgt/session | Encapsulated user sessions. | |
phpgt/sqlbuilder | Object oriented representation of SQL queries. | |
phpgt/sync | Synchronise two directories. | |
phpgt/typesafegetter | An interface for objects that expose type-safe getter methods. | |
phpgt/ulid | Unique, lexicographically sortable identifiers. | |
phpgt/webengine | Rapid development engine. |