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Packages from phing

Package Status
phing/phing PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant. Dependency Badge
phing/phing-composer-configurator PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant. Dependency Badge
phing/task-analyzers Tasks for code analysis. Dependency Badge
phing/task-apigen Task for ApiGen, a tool for creating professional API documentation from PHP source code. Dependency Badge
phing/task-archives Archive related phing tasks and types. Dependency Badge
phing/task-aws AWS related tasks. Dependency Badge
phing/task-coverage coverage database tasks which can be used to gather code coverage information for unit tests. Dependency Badge
phing/task-dbdeploy Dependency Badge
phing/task-ftpdeploy Deploys a set of files to a remote FTP server. Dependency Badge
phing/task-git Git related phing tasks. Dependency Badge
phing/task-hg Mercurial related phing tasks. Dependency Badge
phing/task-http HTTP related tasks. Dependency Badge
phing/task-inifile Tasks related to ini files. Dependency Badge
phing/task-ioncube The Ioncube tasks executes ionCube commands. Dependency Badge
phing/task-jshint Checks the JavaScript code using JSHint. Dependency Badge
phing/task-jsmin Task to minify javascript files. Dependency Badge
phing/task-liquibase The LiquibaseTask is a generic task for liquibase commands that don't require extra command parameters. Dependency Badge
phing/task-phkpackage This task runs PHK_Creator.phk to build PHK-package. Dependency Badge
phing/task-phpdoc This task runs phpDocumentor 2, a API documentation tool. This project is the result of the merge of the phpDocumentor and DocBlox projects. Dependency Badge
phing/task-phpunit PHPUnit related tasks. Dependency Badge
phing/task-sass SassTask. Dependency Badge
phing/task-smarty A task for generating output by using Smarty. Dependency Badge
phing/task-ssh Execute commands on a remote host using ssh. Dependency Badge
phing/task-svn Subversion related phing tasks. Dependency Badge
phing/task-visualizer VisualizerTask creates buildfile maps, these diagrams display calls and depends among targets. Dependency Badge
phing/task-zendcodeanalyser The ZendCodeAnalyzerTask analyze PHP source files using the Zend Code Analyzer tool that ships with all versions of Zend Studio. Dependency Badge
phing/task-zendserverdevelopmenttools Zend Server Development Tools. Dependency Badge