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Packages from phauthentic

Package Status
phauthentic/attribute-serializer Dependency Badge
phauthentic/authentication A Framework agnostic Authentication library for PHP Dependency Badge
phauthentic/authentication-cakephp Authentication adapter for CakePHP Dependency Badge
phauthentic/authorization A framework agnostic policy based authorization abstraction Dependency Badge
phauthentic/cognitive-code-analysis Dependency Badge
phauthentic/correlation-id Correlation ID and PSR7 middleware to inject it Dependency Badge
phauthentic/correlation-id-bundle Dependency Badge
phauthentic/correlation-id-symfony-bundle Dependency Badge
phauthentic/dispatcher-middleware Dependency Badge
phauthentic/error-response Dependency Badge
phauthentic/event-sourcing An event sourcing library for PHP. Framework agnostic, simple, SOLID and easy to use. Dependency Badge
phauthentic/event-store Dependency Badge
phauthentic/file-storage File Storage Dependency Badge
phauthentic/file-storage-factories This library is a factory to instantiate storage adapters based on the Flysystem library. Dependency Badge
phauthentic/file-storage-image-processor File Storage Image Processor Dependency Badge
phauthentic/optional PHP version of Javas Optional class, used to represent a container object which may or may not contain a non-null value. Dependency Badge
phauthentic/pagination A framework and library agnostic data paginator Dependency Badge
phauthentic/password-hashers Password Hashing Library Dependency Badge
phauthentic/presentation A framework and library agnostic presentation layer implementation. The purpose of this is to provide a data transfer object to make your application independent from the underlying rendering implementation. Dependency Badge
phauthentic/problem-details-symfony-bundle Symfony bundle for the Problem Details for HTTP APIs RFC Dependency Badge
phauthentic/psr-http-middleware-stack A slim and simple PSR middleware stack Dependency Badge
phauthentic/snapshot-store Dependency Badge