
15 total, 8 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
aws/aws-sdk-php AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project ^2.5 3.339.19 outdated
egulias/email-validator A library for validating emails against several RFCs ^2.1 4.0.3 outdated
elasticsearch/elasticsearch PHP Client for Elasticsearch ^5.3 v8.17.0 outdated
erusev/parsedown Parser for Markdown. ^1.6 1.7.4 up to date
erusev/parsedown-extra An extension of Parsedown that adds support for Markdown Extra. ^0.7 0.8.1 outdated
filp/whoops php error handling for cool kids ^2.1 2.17.0 up to date
google/recaptcha Client library for reCAPTCHA, a free service that protects websites from spam and abuse. ^1.1 1.3.0 up to date
guzzlehttp/guzzle Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library >=4.1.4 <7.0 7.9.2 outdated
league/flysystem-dropbox Flysystem adapter for Dropbox ^1.0 1.0.4 up to date
phalcon/breadcrumbs Powerful and flexible component for building site breadcrumbs in Phalcon 2+. ^1.3 v1.4.2 up to date
phalcongelist/php-diff A comprehensive library for generating differences between two hashable objects (strings or arrays). ^2.0 v2.0.4 up to date
phalcon/incubator Adapters, prototypes or functionality that can be potentially incorporated to the C-framework. ~3.0 v3.4.6 up to date
swiftmailer/swiftmailer Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer ^5.4 v6.3.0 outdated
team-reflex/discord-php An unofficial API to interact with the voice and text service Discord. ^4.0 v10.3.8 outdated
vlucas/phpdotenv Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically. ^2.4 v5.6.1 outdated

Requires (dev)

9 total, 8 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
codeception/codeception BDD-style testing framework ^2.2 5.2.1 outdated
codeception/mockery-module Mockery Module for Codeception ^0.2 0.5.0 outdated
codeception/specify BDD code blocks for PHPUnit and Codeception ~0.4 2.0.0 outdated
codeception/verify BDD assertion library for PHPUnit ~0.3 3.2.0 outdated
fzaninotto/faker Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you. ^1.6 v1.9.2 up to date
phalcon/dd This package will add the `dd` and `dump` helpers to your Phalcon application. ^1.1 v2.0.0 outdated
phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock With this component, a library can provide support for annotations via DocBlocks or otherwise retrieve information that is embedded in a DocBlock. ^2.0 5.6.1 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^4.8 12.0.4 outdated
squizlabs/php_codesniffer PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. ~2.7 3.11.3 outdated