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Package.Health uses semantic versioning to detect outdated or insecure dependencies in your project's composer.json.

Packages from peterkahl

Package Status
peterkahl/apple-ios-build-version Associative array of iOS build and version codes. Dependency Badge
peterkahl/apple-os-x-build-version Associative array of OS X build and version codes that can be used in various ways. Dependency Badge
peterkahl/charset-from-string Identifies predominant script (character set, language) in a string. Dependency Badge
peterkahl/chinese-lunar-calendar Converts from Gregorian date to Chinese lunisolar date and vice versa. Dependency Badge
peterkahl/chinese-master Chinese traditional/simplified conversion; traditional/simplified detection. Dependency Badge
peterkahl/country-code-to-emoji-flag Converts country code to emoji flag. Dependency Badge
peterkahl/country-to-locale Converts country code to locale code. Dependency Badge
peterkahl/ip2asn Maps IP address to ASN. ASN to prefix. Both IPv4 and IPv6. Dependency Badge
peterkahl/language-genius Identifies human language from a string of text. This library is a wrapper and extension (18 additional languages) for the Pear library Text_LanguageDetect. As a whole this library is capable of detecting 70 languages. Dependency Badge
peterkahl/multibyte-keyword-generator Generates keywords based on the contents of a text string. Dependency Badge