.Package | Status | |
permafrost-dev/code-snippets | Easily work with code snippets in PHP | |
permafrost-dev/coverage-check | Check a project's code coverage, optionally enforcing a minimum value | |
permafrost-dev/dropbox-php-sdk | Dropbox PHP API V2 SDK (Unofficial) | |
permafrost-dev/expanded-dates | Expands a date from a single format to multiple formats | |
permafrost-dev/laravel-api-helper | Helpers trait for Laravel Response or Controllers when implementing APIs. | |
permafrost-dev/laravel-current-route | Helpers for retrieving information about the current route | |
permafrost-dev/laravel-dump-schema | Implementation of database schema dumping and loading to/from file, taken from Laravel v8 PR | |
permafrost-dev/laravel-helpers | Useful helper functions and classes for Laravel | |
permafrost-dev/laravel-scriptcache | Allows client-side scripts to leverage the server's laravel cache | |
permafrost-dev/laravel-str-extras | Extra helper methods for the Laravel Str helper class. | |
permafrost-dev/php-code-search | Search PHP code for function & method calls, variable assignments, and more | |
permafrost-dev/phpcsfixer-preset | shared php-cs-fixer rules & finders preset | |
permafrost-dev/ray-cli | sends data to Ray via a cli command | |
permafrost-dev/text-classifier | Assigns input text a category based on a training model |