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Packages from patchlevel

Package Status
patchlevel/coding-standard The Patchlevel Coding Standard is a set of PHPCS rules applied to all Patchlevel projects. Dependency Badge
patchlevel/enum Small lightweight library to create enum in PHP without SPLEnum and strict comparisons allowed Dependency Badge
patchlevel/event-sourcing A lightweight but also all-inclusive event sourcing library with a focus on developer experience Dependency Badge
patchlevel/event-sourcing-admin-bundle symfony admin ui for patchlevel/event-sourcing-bundle Dependency Badge
patchlevel/event-sourcing-bundle symfony bundle for patchlevel/event-sourcing Dependency Badge
patchlevel/event-sourcing-phpunit PHPUnit testing utilities for patchlevel/event-sourcing Dependency Badge
patchlevel/event-sourcing-psalm-plugin psalm plugin for patchlevel/event-sourcing Dependency Badge
patchlevel/event-sourcing-psr-container event sourcing factories for PSR-11 containers Dependency Badge
patchlevel/hydrator Hydrator Dependency Badge
patchlevel/laravel-event-sourcing laravel package for patchlevel/event-sourcing Dependency Badge
patchlevel/worker Gives the opportunity to build a stable worker that terminates properly when limits are exceeded. Dependency Badge