.Package | Status | |
paragonie/airship | Simply Secure Content Management System - 'The sky is only the beginning' | |
paragonie/anti-csrf | Paragon Initiative's Anti-CSRF Security Library | |
paragonie/argon2-refiner | Calculate the appropriate Argon2id parameters for the local hardware environment. | |
paragonie/blakechain | Hash chain using BLAKE2b | |
paragonie/certainty | Up-to-date, verifiable repository for Certificate Authorities | |
paragonie/chronicle | Public hash chain powered by Slim Framework, Sapient, and Blakechain | |
paragonie/ciphersweet | Searchable field-level encryption library for relational databases | |
paragonie/ciphersweet-provider-aws-kms | CipherSweet key provider backed by AWS KMS | |
paragonie/constant_time_encoding | Constant-time Implementations of RFC 4648 Encoding (Base-64, Base-32, Base-16) | |
paragonie/cookie | Modern cookie management for PHP 7 | |
paragonie/corner | Generic PHP Exceptions and Errors, made user-friendly. | |
paragonie/csp-builder | Easily add and update Content-Security-Policy headers for your project | |
paragonie/discretion | On-demand and reusable contact forms that only send GnuPG-encrypted messages to your inbox. Built with Slim Framework. | |
paragonie/easydb | Easy-to-use database abstraction | |
paragonie/easydb-cache | Caching Adapter for EasyDB (caches Prepared Statements to reduce round trips) | |
paragonie/easy-ecc | Usabiliy Wrapper for mdanter/ecc | |
paragonie/easyrsa | Simple and secure asymmetric encryption powered by PHPSecLib | |
paragonie/ecc | PHP Elliptic Curve Cryptography library | |
paragonie/eloquent-ciphersweet | Provides searchable encrypted columns for Eloquent ORM | |
paragonie/gossamer-server | Standalone REST API server for retrieving updates. | |
paragonie/gpg-mailer | Encrypt outbound emails with Crypt_GPG | |
paragonie/halite | High-level cryptography interface powered by libsodium | |
paragonie/halite-legacy | Legacy implementations of Halite (can be loaded alongside Halite to facilitate migrations) | |
paragonie/herd | Hash-Ensured Replicated Database | |
paragonie/hidden-string | Encapsulate strings in an object to hide them from stack traces | |
paragonie/hpke | Hybrid Public-Key Encryption (RFC 9180) for PHP | |
paragonie/hpkp-builder | Easily integrate HTTP Public-Key-Pinning headers into your application. | |
paragonie/iaso | Powerful JSON Toolkit, includes a JSON parser immune to Hash-DoS attacks | |
paragonie/ionizer | Powerful input value filtering for PHP applications | |
paragonie/libgossamer | Library providing the Gossamer PKI protocol | |
paragonie/monolog-quill | Monolog handler for writing to a Chronicle instance | |
paragonie/multi-factor | Vendor-agnostic two-factor authentication library | |
paragonie/paserk | PHP implementation of PASERK (Platform Agnostic SERialized Keys), a PASETO extension. | |
paragonie/paserk-wrap-aws-kms | Use AWS KMS for key-wrapping with PASERK | |
paragonie/paseto | Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens | |
paragonie/passwdqc | Password/passphrase strength checking and enforcement | |
paragonie/password_lock | Wraps Bcrypt-SHA2 in Authenticated Encryption | |
paragonie/pharaoh | Compare PHARs from the Command Line | |
paragonie/php-jwt-guard | ||
paragonie/quill | Library for quickly and easily writing data to a Chronicle instance | |
paragonie/random_compat | PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7 | |
paragonie/random-lib | A Library For Generating Secure Random Numbers | |
paragonie/recaptcha | A fork of Google's PHP ReCAPTCHA Client with Proxy support. | |
paragonie/ristretto | Type-safe API for the Ristretto255 group | |
paragonie/sapient | Secure API Toolkit | |
paragonie/seedspring | Seeded, deterministic random number generator | |
paragonie/slim-sapient | Sapient adapter for Slim framework's HTTP implementation | |
paragonie/sodium_compat | Pure PHP implementation of libsodium; uses the PHP extension if it exists | |
paragonie/sodium_compat_ext_sodium | ||
paragonie/stern | Stern lets you built type-safe PHP projects, even if your project's users aren't writing type-safe code | |
paragonie/typed-arrays | Strictly typed scalar arrays for PHP 8.3 and newer | |
paragonie/zend-diactoros-sapient | Sapient adapter for Zend Framework's Diactoros HTTP implementation |