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Packages from pantheon-systems

Package Status
pantheon-systems/behat-drush-endpoint Drush commandfile for use with drupal/drupal-driver. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/circle-scripts Use Circle CI to build a Drupal site with Composer, test with Behat, and then deploy to Pantheon. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/ci-scripts Scripts helpful for testing a Drupal site on a Continuous-Integration server, or locally. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/cli A command line interface for Pantheon Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/composer-scaffold A flexible Composer project scaffold builder. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/customer-secrets-php-sdk Supporting libraries for customer secrets project Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/decoupled-kit-acf Adds examples related to using advanced custom fields on a decoupled WordPress site. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/decoupled-preview Preview WordPress content on Front-end sites including Next.js Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/drops-7-composer Drops-7 with a composer.json file. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/drops-8-scaffolding Project template for Drupal 8 projects with composer following drupal/drupal layout Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/drupal-9-with-circleci-orb Install Drupal 9 with Composer on Pantheon using CI. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/drupal-integrations Add this project to any Drupal distribution based on drupal/core-composer-scaffold to enable it for use on Pantheon. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/edge-integrations-drupal-sdk A one-stop shop for integration your Drupal site on Pantheon with advanced Edge Integrations tools. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/edge-integrations-wordpress-sdk A one-stop shop for integration your WordPress site on Pantheon with advanced Edge Integrations tools. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/example-drops-7-composer Install drops-7 with Composer on Pantheon. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/example-drops-8-composer Install drops-8 with Composer on Pantheon. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/example-drupal7-circle-composer Template for creating a project to manage a Drupal site with Composer, and test with Circle CI. Use `composer create-project` to make your own project, or, if you prefer to clone the git repository, run `composer install` followed by `bin/init-new-project` to replace this file and set up your starting project. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/example-drupal7-travis-composer Template for creating a project to manage a Drupal site with Composer, and test with Travis CI. Use `composer create-project` to make your own project, or, if you prefer to clone the git repository, run `composer install` followed by `bin/init-new-project` to replace this file and set up your starting project. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/example-drupal8-circle-composer Template for creating a project to manage a Drupal site with Composer, and test with Circle CI. Use `composer create-project` to make your own project, or, if you prefer to clone the git repository, run `composer install` followed by `bin/init-new-project` to replace this file and set up your starting project. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/example-wordpress-composer Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon-advanced-page-cache Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon_advanced_page_cache Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon-decoupled Configuration necessary for hosting Decoupled WordPress sites on Pantheon. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon-decoupled-auth-example Example configuration used for sourcing data requiring authorization using an application password Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon_domain_masking Domain masking middleware for Drupal 8 Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon-edge-integrations Helper class for content personalization. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon-edge-integrations-consent-management Implements WP Consent API into Pantheon Edge Integrations to manage consent and data tracking. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon-geolocation-shortcodes Used with the Pantheon WordPress Edge Integrations SDK, allows sites to use shortcodes to display geolocated content. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon-hud Provide situational awareness of the Pantheon platform from within your WordPress dashboard. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon-mu-plugin Pantheon mu-plugin for WordPress sites. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon-wordpress-edge-integrations WordPress plugin to support Pantheon Edge Integrations and personalization features Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon-wordpress-upstream-tests Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon-wp-coding-standards PHPCS Rulesets for WordPress projects on Pantheon. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/pantheon-wp-main Pantheon mu-plugin for WordPress sites. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/quicksilver-pushback Push commits made via the Pantheon dashboard back to original GitHub repository. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/search_api_pantheon Connection module for Pantheon Search (solr 8) Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/site-audit-tool Drush global extension to run Site Audit checks on Drush 8 and 9 Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/smart_content_cdn Edge Integrations for Drupal on Pantheon's platform. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/solr-power An open source plugin to connect to Pantheon's Apache Solr search infrastructure, or your own! Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus A command line interface for Pantheon Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-acme-plugin Terminus commands to interact with ACME challenges. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-addons-installer-plugin Allows Terminus to trigger workflows on the platform that configure themes & plugins. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-aliases-plugin Generate alias files for both Drush 8 and Drush 9. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-autopilot-plugin Configure and manage Autopilot via Terminus commands. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-build-tools-plugin Build Tools - A Terminus plugin that contain commands to manage build assets on Pantheon. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-carbon-plugin A Terminus plugin for fetching carbon impact and other sustainability data. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-clu-plugin Terminus plugin for updating Composer dependencies Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-composer-logs-plugin Terminus Composer Logs plugin Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-composer-plugin Composer - A Terminus plugin for running Composer commands on a Pantheon site Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-conversion-tools-plugin Conversion Tools is a Terminus plugin that contain commands to convert a standard Drupal site into a composer managed one. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-d9-preview Secrets - A Terminus plugin that allows for manipulation of a 'secrets' file for use with Quicksilver. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-decoupled-kit-plugin Creates a Decoupled Kit project for use on Pantheon Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-drupal-console-plugin Drupal Console - A Terminus plugin for running Drupal Console commands on a Pantheon site Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-mass-update Apply upstream updates to all of your sites Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-newrelic-data-plugin Terminus Plugin that fetches metric data from new relic api and display via console Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-plugin-example An example Terminus command Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-power-tools Terminus commands extending Pantheon's Terminus Build Tools. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-quicksilver-plugin A plugin for Terminus-CLI that allows for installation of Quicksilver webhooks from the Quicksilver examples, or a personal collection. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-rsync-plugin Rsync - Terminus Plugin that provides a quick shortcut for rsync-ing files to and from a Pantheon site. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-scheduled-jobs-plugin Configure and manage scheduled jobs via Terminus commands. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-secrets-manager-plugin Secrets handling plugin for Terminus Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-secrets-plugin Secrets - A Terminus plugin that allows for manipulation of a 'secrets' file for use with Quicksilver. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-site-clone-plugin Site Clone - A Terminus plugin that adds command(s) to facilitate cloning sites on Pantheon. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/terminus-site-debug Get server logs on all appservers in a specific environment. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/travis-scripts Use Travis to build a Drupal site with Composer, test with Behat, and then deploy to Pantheon. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/upstream-configuration-prototype Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/upstream-management Composer plugin that holds a series of scripts to manage upstreams in Pantheon Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/wordpress-bedrock-integrations Add this project to any WordPress install based on pantheon-systems/wordpress-bedrock-recommend to enable it for use on Pantheon. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/wordpress-composer WordPress for Pantheon with a composer.json file. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/wp-native-php-sessions native PHP sessions stored in the database for WordPress. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/wp-redis Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/wp-saml-auth SAML authentication for WordPress, using SimpleSAMLphp. Dependency Badge
pantheon-systems/wpunit-helpers Unified scripts for installing and running automated WP Unit Tests. Dependency Badge