
14 total, 14 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
oro/commerce OroCommerce - an open-source Business to Business Commerce application. \nThis package contains bundles and needs to be added as a dependency in an OroCommerce application. 1.4.* 6.0.6 outdated
oro/commerce-crm OroCRM integration for OroCommerce 1.4.* 6.0.5 outdated
oro/commerce-dpd OroCommerce DPD Integration 1.4.* 6.0.2 outdated
oro/commerce-infinitepay OroCommerce InfinitePay Integration 1.4.* 6.0.2 outdated
oro/commerce-wirecard OroCommerce Wirecard integration 1.4.* 4.1.3 outdated
oro/crm OroCRM 2.4.* 6.0.4 outdated
oro/crm-abandoned-cart Oro Abandoned Cart 2.4.* 3.1.3 outdated
oro/crm-dotmailer Oro dotdigital integration 2.4.* 6.0.3 outdated
oro/crm-hangouts-call-bundle Oro Google Hangouts integration 2.4.* 5.1.0 outdated
oro/crm-magento-embedded-contact-us OroCRM Magento Embedded Contact Us package 2.4.* 4.1.2 outdated
oro/crm-mail-chimp OroCRM MailChimp integration 2.4.* 3.1.0 outdated
oro/crm-zendesk OroCRM Zendesk Integration 2.4.* 6.0.3 outdated
oro/german-localization Oro German Localization 2.4.* 6.0.1 outdated
oro/platform-serialised-fields OroPlatform Serialized Fields 2.4.* 6.0.3 outdated

Requires (dev)

16 total, 15 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
behat/behat Scenario-oriented BDD framework for PHP 3.2.2 v3.17.0 outdated
behat/mink-extension Mink extension for Behat 2.2.* 2.3.1 outdated
behat/mink-selenium2-driver Selenium2 (WebDriver) driver for Mink framework 1.* v1.7.0 up to date
behat/symfony2-extension Symfony2 framework extension for Behat 2.1.1 2.1.5 outdated
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer A tool to automatically fix PHP code style 2.1.* v3.65.0 outdated
johnkary/phpunit-speedtrap Find and report on slow tests in your PHPUnit test suite 1.0.* v4.0.1 outdated
mybuilder/phpunit-accelerator PHPUnit accelerator 1.2.* 2.0.0 outdated
nelmio/alice Expressive fixtures generator 2.2.* 3.14.0 outdated
phpmd/phpmd PHPMD is a spin-off project of PHP Depend and aims to be a PHP equivalent of the well known Java tool PMD. 2.6.* 2.15.0 outdated
phpunit/phpcov CLI frontend for php-code-coverage 3.1.* 10.0.1 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. 5.7.* 11.5.2 outdated
phpunit/phpunit-selenium Selenium Server integration for PHPUnit 3.0.* 9.0.1 outdated
sebastian/phpcpd Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP code. dev-master#cff7f36c2ae89d59987de25d14fd41a72dd4a703 as 3.1.0 6.0.3 outdated
sensio/generator-bundle This bundle generates code for you 3.1.2 v3.1.7 outdated
squizlabs/php_codesniffer PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. 2.8.* 3.11.2 outdated
symfony/phpunit-bridge Provides utilities for PHPUnit, especially user deprecation notices management 3.2.* v7.2.0 outdated