.Package | Status | |
org_heigl/asterisk | Access The AsteriskManagerConsole via PHP | |
org_heigl/authldap | Enables wordpress-authentication via LDAP | |
org_heigl/bedrockfiles | ||
org_heigl/calendar-aggregator | Aggregate iCalendar and CalDav calendars | |
org_heigl/captainhook_addtime | Add the time since your last commit to the commit-message | |
org_heigl/captainhook_sendtime | Send the tme from a time-entry in your git commit-message to an API | |
org_heigl/captainhook_sendtime_backend_tine2 | Send the time from a time-entry in your git commit-message to a Tine2.0 instance | |
org_heigl/clacks-middleware | Implements the Clacks-Header as per | |
org_heigl/clock | minimum sample implementation of PSR-20 | |
org_heigl/color | A Library to handle Colors. This includes conversion to and from different spaces including ICC-profiles as well as modifying existing colors | |
org_heigl/community-naming | Get namings by randomly adding adjectives to names of people of the PHP-Community | |
org_heigl/contact | Contact-Form using a honeypot for spam-protection | |
org_heigl/converter | Convert from and to almost anything | |
org_heigl/date-formatter | Extendable Library to format DateTimes using Zend-Frameworks Date-Constants | |
org_heigl/dateintervalcomparator | Compare two DateInterval-Objects with one another | |
org_heigl/daterange | Provides a way to display dateranges | |
org_heigl/deploy | Deploy WebApps to hosts you can not control completely | |
org_heigl/devpackages | This is a META-Package combining often-used development-packages | |
org_heigl/devstructure | ||
org_heigl/devstructure-installer | ||
org_heigl/error_focus | Remove messages from the error log that are from a certain folder | |
org_heigl/filefinder | Generate a filtered filelist from one or more folders | |
org_heigl/geo | lib to handle geo-shapes | |
org_heigl/geolocation | Provides a form-element for locating a spot on the earth and providing Latitude/Longitude-values | |
org_heigl/ghostscript | A PHP-Wrapper around the Ghostscript-CLI | |
org_heigl/holidaychecker | Check for holidays - localeaware | |
org_heigl/html-to-pdflib | Convert HTML for usage in PDFlib | |
org_heigl/hybridauth | Lightweight Authentication Module for Zend-Framework 2 using the hybridauth-library | |
org_heigl/hyphenator | Word-Hyphenation for PHP based on the TeX-Hyphenation algorithm | |
org_heigl/junitdiff | Create a diff between 2 junit-files | |
org_heigl/lingulab | PHP-Connector to the LinguLab-API | |
org_heigl/mailproxy | Display clickable eMail-Adresses without being spamed | |
org_heigl/nskeyedarchiverparser | Parser for Apples NSKeyedArchiver plist files | |
org_heigl/password | An Object for passwords - Stop leaking passwords to logs or stacktraces! | |
org_heigl/password-middleware | A middleware to handle passwords securely | |
org_heigl/pdf-date-time | DateTime-Handling for PDF-Dates | |
org_heigl/pdfunit | Unittests for comparing PDF-files | |
org_heigl/pdfwrapper | Wrapper-classes for PDF-Generation | |
org_heigl/pdo_timezone_helper | Helper for timezone-handling in databases | |
org_heigl/phergie-logger-plugin | A plugin to log IRC-chats | |
org_heigl/piwik | Easy way to integrate piwik ( analysis into a Zend-Framework Project | |
org_heigl/psr7wrapper | Wrap Request/Response-Objects from different frameworks into a PSR7-compliant envelope | |
org_heigl/single-phar-plugin | Deploy single phars via composer | |
org_heigl/slim-json-helpers | Clone of aporat/slim-json-helpers | Slim3 JSON Request & Response Helpers | |
org_heigl/talk_to_composer | Register your currently active plugins with composer | |
org_heigl/textstatistics | Get statistics from a given text | |
org_heigl/tokenizer | Provides a way of tokenizing strings | |
org_heigl/trait-iterator | A Trait for the iterator-interface | |
org_heigl/valueobjects | Some Value-Objects | |
org_heigl/webhookhandler | A monolog-handler that POSTs to a webhook | |
org_heigl/wordpress_bootstrap | setup a wordpress with one terminal-command: composer create-project org_heigl/wordpress_bootstrap my-wordpress-folder | |
org_heigl/zendldapbundle | Use Zend\Ldap in Symfony |