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Packages from orchid

Package Status
orchid/access Role based access control package from Laravel Framework. Dependency Badge
orchid/alert Alert package for Orchid CMS Dependency Badge
orchid/blade-icons An easy way inline SVG images in your Blade templates. Dependency Badge
orchid/cms Press package for Orchid Platform Dependency Badge
orchid/crud Build CRUD apps in fewer lines of code for Laravel Orchid. Dependency Badge
orchid/defender Blacklist and Whitelist Dependency Badge
orchid/experiment AB tests for Laravel Dependency Badge
orchid/fortify Orchid template for Laravel Fortify Dependency Badge
orchid/icons Simple and Minimal Line Icons Dependency Badge
orchid/log Orchid CMS logging package Dependency Badge
orchid/monitor Monitor will show you current information about your system Dependency Badge
orchid/orchid Dependency Badge
orchid/platform Platform for back-office applications, admin panel or CMS your Laravel app. Dependency Badge
orchid/press Press package for Orchid Platform Dependency Badge
orchid/settings Settings this is key-value storage Dependency Badge
orchid/socket Laravel library for asynchronously serving WebSockets. Dependency Badge
orchid/widget Widget for The Laravel Framework Dependency Badge