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Packages from ongr

Package Status
ongr/api-bundle Api bundle for ONGR platform. Dependency Badge
ongr/connections-bundle Connections bundle for ONGR platform Dependency Badge
ongr/content-bundle Main content bundle to handle category, product and content data. Dependency Badge
ongr/cookies-bundle Cookie model for using cookies as Symfony services Dependency Badge
ongr/currency-exchange-bundle ONGR currency exchange bundle Dependency Badge
ongr/elasticsearch-bundle Elasticsearch bundle for Symfony. Dependency Badge
ongr/elasticsearch-dsl Elasticsearch DSL library Dependency Badge
ongr/filter-manager-bundle Filter manager bundle for product lists Dependency Badge
ongr/magento-connector-bundle Magento connector for ONGR framework Dependency Badge
ongr/monitoring-bundle Dependency Badge
ongr/ongr-sandbox Demo application of ONGR. Dependency Badge
ongr/ongr-strict-standard Strict PHPCS standard for PSR-2 code based on Squiz standards Dependency Badge
ongr/oxid-connector-bundle OXID connector for ONGR framework Dependency Badge
ongr/pager-bundle Pager bundle to provide functionality for pagination. Dependency Badge
ongr/router-bundle Bundle for ONGR routing. Dependency Badge
ongr/settings-bundle Settings user interface and API for ONGR platform projects Dependency Badge
ongr/ssi-bundle Server Side Includes (SSI) fragment renderer for Symfony2 applications Dependency Badge
ongr/task-messenger-bundle Handles ONGR sync tasks schedule Dependency Badge
ongr/testing-bundle Provides data fixtures and example ESB documents for functional tests. Dependency Badge
ongr/translations-bundle ONGR translations bundle Dependency Badge