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Packages from oneup

Package Status
oneup/acl-bundle The missing link between Symfony`s Acl implementation and your application. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-backend-limited-width Adds an option to limit the width of the backend. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-backend-sortable-list-views Makes backend list views sortable even without a parent table. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-cache-warmup This Contao Open Source CMS extension gives you the ability to run a page cache warmup. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-custom-collection-bundle Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-developer-convenience-bundle Provides a set of tools to use while developing with contao Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-efg Extended Form Generator for Contao forms Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-email-login This extension lets you use an email address for the contao form login. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-event-generator-bundle Generate multiple events with ease! Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-facebook-events This Contao Open Source CMS extension gives you the ability to fetch events from facebook into your calender. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-form-generator-extensions This Contao extension extends the core form generator with some useful stuff. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-full-background-images Use full background images in Contao Open Source CMS. This extension also provides a full background image slider/fader. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-gulp-rev This Contao Open Source CMS extension gives you the ability to integrate your css and js assets with gulp-rev. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-ical-export A contao module for downloading ical files generated from events. The output will follow RFC 2445 as best as possible. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-j2b This extension moves all javascript included in <head> just before closing <body>. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-language-dependent-modules-bundle Configure your Contao modules language dependent and have less page layouts! Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-mailchimp This extension connects a Contao installation with MailChimp. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-news_related Packagist mirror for Contao extension news_related Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-page-teaser Page teaser functionality for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-points-of-interest Use this Contao module to highlight the points of interest of your products. Just a click to open a brief description of each point, allowing your user to get a deep and fast understanding of your product features. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-sass-watch Yet another useless tool. May the source be with you! Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-security-advisories This check works by comparing the composer.lock against an open vulnerability database. A clean check does not mean there are absolutely no security problems whatsoever. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-security-checker-bundle This check works by comparing the composer.lock against an open vulnerability database. A clean check does not mean there are absolutely no security problems whatsoever. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-sentry This extension connects a Contao installation with Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-sentry-bundle This bundle provides an easy integration of for Contao 4.4.x and newer. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-sfdump This Contao Open Source CMS extension gives you the ability to use the Symfony VarDumper component in Contao with sfdump(). Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-sibling-navigation Provides a sibling navigation (Previous/Next) as a ContentElement or a Module for news, events and pages. Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-tags Packagist mirror for Contao extension tags Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-tags-news Packagist mirror for Contao extension tags_news Dependency Badge
oneup/contao-xls-export Contao module to generate Microsoft Excel 95 files Dependency Badge
oneup/favicon-fetcher List and download favicons from urls Dependency Badge
oneup/flysystem-bundle Integrates Flysystem filesystem abstraction library to your Symfony project. Dependency Badge
oneup/mailchimp-api-v3 Simple PHP library for MailChimp API V3 Dependency Badge
oneup/phpstan-contao Contao Framework extensions and rules for PHPStan Dependency Badge
oneup/uploader-bundle This Symfony bundle provides a server implementation for handling single and multiple file uploads using either FineUploader, jQuery File Uploader, YUI3 Uploader, Uploadify, FancyUpload, MooUpload, Plupload or Dropzone. Features include chunked uploads, orphanages, Gaufrette and Flysystem support. Dependency Badge