
6 total, 2 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
aspera/xlsx-reader Spreadsheet reader library for XLSX files ^1.1 v1.1.0 up to date
ondrakoupil/tools Just a bunch of tools for myself ^1.2.7 v1.3.1 up to date
psr/http-message Common interface for HTTP messages ^1.0 2.0 outdated
psr/http-server-handler Common interface for HTTP server-side request handler ^1.0 1.0.2 up to date
psr/http-server-middleware Common interface for HTTP server-side middleware ^1.0 1.0.2 up to date
psr/log Common interface for logging libraries ^1.1 3.0.2 outdated

Requires (dev)

4 total, 1 outdated, 1 unknown

Package Required Latest Status
nette/tester Nette Tester: enjoyable unit testing in PHP with code coverage reporter. 🍏🍏🍎🍏 ^2.2 v2.5.4 up to date
rector/rector Instant Upgrade and Automated Refactoring of any PHP code ^0.12.13 2.0.9 outdated
slim/slim Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs ^4 4.14.0 up to date
vrana/notorm NotORM is a PHP library for simple working with data in the database. dev-master unknown