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Packages from nystudio107

Package Status
nystudio107/changelog A parser for the common developer Dependency Badge
nystudio107/cookies Secure Cookies for Twig Templates in Craft CMS Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft nystudio107 Craft 3 CMS scaffolding project Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-cookies A simple plugin for setting and getting cookies from within Craft CMS templates. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-disqus Integrates the Disqus commenting system into Craft 3 websites, including Single Sign On (SSO) and custom login/logout URLs Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-eagerbeaver Allows you to eager load elements from auto-injected Entry elements on demand from your templates. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-fastcgicachebust Bust the Nginx FastCGI Cache when entries are saved or created. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-imageoptim Automatically create & optimize responsive image transforms, using either native Craft transforms or a service like imgix, with zero template changes. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-imageoptimize Automatically create & optimize responsive image transforms, using either native Craft transforms or a service like imgix, with zero template changes. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-instantanalytics Instant Analytics brings full Google Analytics support to your Twig templates and automatic Craft Commerce integration with Google Enhanced Ecommerce Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-minify A simple plugin that allows you to minify blocks of HTML, CSS, and JS inline in Craft CMS templates. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-multi-environment Efficient and flexible multi-environment config for Craft 3 CMS Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-pathtools This twig plugin for the Craft CMS brings convenient path & url manipulation functions & filters to your Twig templates. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-recipe A comprehensive recipe FieldType for Craft CMS that includes metric/imperial conversion, portion calculation, and JSON-LD microdata support Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-richvariables Allows you to easily use Craft Globals as variables in Rich Text fields Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-routemap Returns a list of Craft/Vue/React route rules and element URLs for ServiceWorkers from Craft entries Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-transcoder Transcode video & audio files to various formats, and provide video thumbnails Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft3-typogrify Typogrify prettifies your web typography by preventing ugly quotes and 'widows' and more Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-autocomplete Provides Twig template IDE autocomplete of Craft CMS & plugin variables Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-closure Allows you to use arrow function closures in Twig Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-code-editor Provides a code editor field with Twig & Craft API autocomplete Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-code-field Provides a Code Field that has a full-featured code editor with syntax highlighting & autocomplete Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-connect Allows you to connect to external databases and perform db queries Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-cookies A simple plugin for setting and getting cookies from within Craft CMS templates. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-disqus Integrates the Disqus commenting system into Craft 3 websites, including Single Sign On (SSO) and custom login/logout URLs Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-eagerbeaver Allows you to eager load elements from auto-injected Entry elements on demand from your templates. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-emptycoalesce Empty Coalesce adds the ??? operator to Twig that will return the first thing that is defined, not null, and not empty. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-fastcgicachebust Bust the Nginx FastCGI Cache when entries are saved or created. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-icalendar Tools for parsing & formatting the RFC 2445 iCalendar (.ics) specification Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-imageoptimize Automatically create & optimize responsive image transforms, using either native Craft transforms or a service like imgix, with zero template changes. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-imageoptimize-imgix Provides an Imgix image transform type for the ImageOptimize plugin. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-imageoptimize-sharp Provides an Sharp image transform type for the ImageOptimize plugin. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-imageoptimize-thumbor Provides an Thumbor image transform type for the ImageOptimize plugin. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-instantanalytics Instant Analytics brings full Google Analytics support to your Twig templates and automatic Craft Commerce integration with Google Enhanced Ecommerce Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-instantanalytics-ga4 Instant Analytics brings full Google GA4 server-side analytics support to your Twig templates and automatic Craft Commerce integration Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-minify A simple plugin that allows you to minify blocks of HTML, CSS, and JS inline in Craft CMS templates. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-pathtools This twig plugin for the Craft CMS brings convenient path & url manipulation functions & filters to your Twig templates. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-plugin-manifest Plugin Manifest is the conduit between Craft CMS plugins and webpack, with manifest.json & webpack-dev-server HMR support Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-plugin-vite Plugin Vite is the conduit between Craft CMS plugins and Vite, with manifest.json & HMR support Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-recipe A comprehensive recipe FieldType for Craft CMS that includes metric/imperial conversion, portion calculation, and JSON-LD microdata support Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-retour Retour allows you to intelligently redirect legacy URLs, so that you don't lose SEO value when rebuilding & restructuring a website Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-richvariables Allows you to easily use Craft Globals as variables in Rich Text fields Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-routemap Returns a list of Craft/Vue/React route rules and element URLs for ServiceWorkers from Craft entries Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-scripts Shell scripts to manage database backups, asset backups, file permissions, asset syncing, cache clearing, and database syncing between Craft CMS environments Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-seomatic SEOmatic facilitates modern SEO best practices & implementation for Craft CMS 5. It is a turnkey SEO system that is comprehensive, powerful, and flexible. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-similar Similar for Craft lets you find elements, Entries, Categories, Commerce Products, etc, that are similar, based on... other related elements. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-templatecomments Adds a HTML comment with performance timings to demarcate `{% block %}`s and each Twig template that is included or extended. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-transcoder Transcode video & audio files to various formats, and provide video thumbnails Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-twig-base-templates Craft CMS Twig base templates Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-twigfield Provides a twig editor field with Twig & Craft API autocomplete Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-twigpack Twigpack is a bridge between Twig and webpack, with manifest.json & webpack-dev-server HMR support Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-twigprofiler Twig Profiler allows you to profile sections of your Twig templates, and see the resulting timings in the Yii2 Debug Toolbar Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-twig-sandbox Allows you to easily create a sandboxed Twig environment where you can control what tags, filters, functions, and object methods/properties are allowed Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-typogrify Typogrify prettifies your web typography by preventing ugly quotes and 'widows' and more Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-units Units is a plugin that can convert between any units of measure, and comes with a Field for content authors to use Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-vanillaforums Single Sign On plugin for Vanilla Forums/jsConnect and CraftCMS Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-vite Allows the use of the Vite.js next generation frontend tooling with Craft CMS Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-webperf Webperf helps you build & maintain high quality websites through Real User Measurement of your website's performance Dependency Badge
nystudio107/craft-youtubeliveembed This plugin allows you to embed a YouTube live stream and/or live chat on your webpage Dependency Badge
nystudio107/disclosedassets Allow your clients to find asset sub-folders by disclosing them by default Dependency Badge
nystudio107/disqus Integrates the Disqus commenting system into Craft CMS websites, including Single Sign On (SSO) and custom login/logout URLs. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/dotenvy Speed up your production sites by ditching .env for key/value variable pairs as Apache, Nginx, and shell equivalents. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/eagerbeaver Allows you to eager load elements from auto-injected Entry elements on demand from your templates. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/fastcgicachebust Bust the Nginx FastCGI Cache when entries are saved or created. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/instantanalytics Instant Analytics lets you track otherwise untrackable assets & events with Google Analytics, and eliminates the need for Javascript tracking Dependency Badge
nystudio107/minify A simple plugin that allows you to minify blocks of HTML, CSS, and JS inline in Craft CMS templates. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/php-typography The KINGdesk PHP Typography library improves typography on the web. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/plugindev nystudio107 Craft CMS plugin development environment scaffolding Dependency Badge
nystudio107/recipe A comprehensive recipe FieldType for Craft CMS that includes metric/imperial conversion, portion calculation, and JSON-LD microdata support Dependency Badge
nystudio107/retour Retour allows you to intelligently redirect legacy URLs, so that you don't lose SEO value when rebuilding & restructuring a website. Dependency Badge
nystudio107/richvariables Allows you to easily use Craft Globals as variables in Rich Text fields Dependency Badge
nystudio107/routemap Returns a list of Craft/Vue/React route rules and entry & asset URLs for ServiceWorkers from Craft entries Dependency Badge
nystudio107/seomatic A turnkey SEO implementation for Craft CMS that is comprehensive, powerful, and flexible Dependency Badge
nystudio107/site-module An example module for Craft CMS 3 that lets you enhance your websites with a custom site module Dependency Badge
nystudio107/test-twig-bundle Test bundle of Twig templates for Bundle Installer Dependency Badge
nystudio107/transcoder Transcode videos to various formats, and provide thumbnails of the video Dependency Badge
nystudio107/twig-bundle-installer Install, update, and manage Twig template bundles via Composer Dependency Badge