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Package.Health uses semantic versioning to detect outdated or insecure dependencies in your project's composer.json.

Packages from nubs

Package Status
nubs/bizgolf A library that interacts with Docker in order to execute user's code golf submissions and verify their correctness. Dependency Badge
nubs/bizgolf-ui A codegolf web interface using the Bizgolf library. Dependency Badge
nubs/coordinator A general purpose geo library. Dependency Badge
nubs/geometron A geometry library. Dependency Badge
nubs/hiatus A library for executing shell commands with an optional timeout. Dependency Badge
nubs/photo-swipe Shim repository for PhotoSwipe Dependency Badge
nubs/pwman A password manager than handles encrypted passwords Dependency Badge
nubs/random-name-generator A library to create interesting, sometimes entertaining, random names. Dependency Badge
nubs/sensible A library for finding sensible user programs, like editor, pager, and browser. Dependency Badge
nubs/vectorix A vector library. Dependency Badge
nubs/which A library for locating commands in a PATH. Dependency Badge
nubs/which-cli A symfony/console command similar to the standard which command. Dependency Badge