.Package | Status | |
nswdpc/governance-arrangements | Service class for parsing governance arrangements data | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-analytics-chooser | Analytics chooser extensions for site settings. | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-asset-scan | Provides an asset store and a scanning backend for Silverstripe assets | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-async-loader | An asynchronous assets loader for Silverstripe 4 using loadjs | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-authentication-boilerplate | Boilerplate default access rules for Silverstripe websites | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-cache-headers | Modify cache headers via configuration | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-chimple | Chimple - Simple Mailchimp handling in Silverstripe | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-cloudflare-boilerplate | Default modules for Silverstripe websites acting as an origin behind a Cloudflare caching proxy | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-content-boilerplate | A collection of modules we use to help our content authors make great websites | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-csp | SilverStripe Content Security Policy module | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-curatorio | Module providing feed support | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-dataobject-editable | Add permissions to allow non-admins to edit DataObjects | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-datawrapper | Module providing Datawrapper chart and map support | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-datetime-inputs | Date and Datetime composite inputs for Silverstripe framework | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-details-field | Composite form field rendered as an HTML details tag, with child fields | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-banner | Elemental banner module | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-blog | Element to show blog content. | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-decoratedcontent | Decorated content element for Silverstripe | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-extensible-search | Extensible search for Elemental. | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-feature-video | Feature video element Silverstripe | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-iframe | Elemental iframe module, supports lazy loading of iframes | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-image | Elemental image module | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-links | Links element Silverstripe | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-mediawesome | Element to show mediawesome content. | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-modeladmin | An administration module for elemental content blocks | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-publications | Elemental publications listing module | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-quickgallery | Quick gallery content block for Silverstripe CMS | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-slider | Slick slider element Silverstripe | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-elemental-taxonomy | Elemental Taxonomy module, provides a list of taxonomy terms under a selected type | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-embed | Adds embed functionality to data objects. | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-exit-button | Exit button for pages | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-exit-button-element | Exit button for pages - elemental content block | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-feedback-assist | The NSW Feedbackassist module. | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-field-hint | Allows developers to add usage hints for templates to consider when rendering the field | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-file-customthumbnail | Adds an optional custom thumbnail to a File | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-grid-helpers | Allow an editor to specify how lists of elements and elements should render, based on your theme | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-imageselection-field | Image selection field for Silverstripe. | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-inline-linker | Inline Link field that saves to gorriecoe/link | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-mailgun-sync | Send messages via Mailgun and synchronise with Mailgun Events API. | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-notices | Simple notices adminisration | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-notification-boilerplate | Default modules for notification handling in NSWDPC Silverstripe websites | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-okta-boilerplate | An Okta authentication boilerplate for Silverstripe | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-oldmantium | Reinforced Cloudflare support for Silverstripe websites | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-progressive-image | A progressive image loader for Silverstripe 4 | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-pruner | Prune records from configured DataObject classes | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-pruner-userforms | Silverstripe userforms support for nswdpc/silverstripe-pruner | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-pwnage-hinter | Verify hashed passwords against HIBP | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-recaptcha-v3 | Recaptcha V3 verification for Silverstripe framework, including a form field, spam protector and verification support | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-recaptcha-v3-userforms | Silverstripe reCAPTCHAv3 field for userforms | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-schema-specialannouncement | SpecialAnnouncement support for Silverstripe | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-search-boilerplate | Search boilerplate for NSWDPC Silverstripe websites, using elasticsearch configuration | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-security-recipe | Recipe for adding MFA, Password check, Breached account check, Security report to a Silverstripe application | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-structured-email | Structured email for Silverstripe | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-taggable-notifications | Add tagging to notifications going out of a Silverstripe project | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-taxonomy-icons | Icon support for Silverstripe taxonomy terms | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-thereisnouserform | This module hides User Defined Form pages in the CMS when using silverstripe/userforms together with dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental-userforms | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-trumbowyg | Decorate textarea fields with the Trumbowyg editor, support content sanitising and a restricted feature set by default | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-userforms-ipcollection | Collect IP addresses of submissions, taking into account proxies | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-userforms-member-fields | A set of fields collecting default member information within a user defined form | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-userforms-submissions | Provide nominated members the ability to view the submissions collected by a Silverstripe userform | |
nswdpc/silverstripe-versioned-record-discovery | Discover unpublished records in your Silverstripe install | |
nswdpc/waratah | Silverstripe integration for the NSW Design System |