
2 total, 2 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
doctrine/dbal Powerful PHP database abstraction layer (DBAL) with many features for database schema introspection and management. ^3.6.5 4.2.2 outdated
doctrine/orm Object-Relational-Mapper for PHP ^2.16.0 3.3.2 outdated

Requires (dev)

4 total, 2 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
contributte/phpstan Opinionated set of PHPStan extensions & rules for all fans. ^0.1 v0.2 outdated
contributte/qa Tuned & very strict coding standards for PHP projects. Trusted by Contributte, Apitte, Nettrine and many others. ^0.4 v0.3.2 outdated
contributte/tester Nette Tester with extra horse power ^0.3 v0.3.0 up to date
mockery/mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework ^1.6.4 1.6.12 up to date