
10 total, 2 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
behat/transliterator String transliterator ~1.0 v1.5.0 up to date
doctrine/dbal Powerful PHP database abstraction layer (DBAL) with many features for database schema introspection and management. ^3.1.4 4.2.2 outdated
neos/error-messages Flow error messages * 8.3.13 up to date
neos/eventstore Store for Event-Sourced applications ^1 1.0.1 up to date
neos/eventstore-doctrineadapter Doctrine DBAL based implementation for the neos/eventstore ^1 || ^2 2.0.2 up to date
neos/utility-arrays Flow Array Utilities * 8.3.13 up to date
neos/utility-objecthandling Flow array/object property and type utilities * 8.3.13 up to date
psr/clock Common interface for reading the clock. ^1 1.0.0 up to date
ramsey/uuid A PHP library for generating and working with universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). ^3.0 || ^4.0 4.7.6 up to date
symfony/serializer Handles serializing and deserializing data structures, including object graphs, into array structures or other formats like XML and JSON. ^6.3 v7.2.3 outdated

Requires (dev)

4 total, 2 outdated, 1 unknown

Package Required Latest Status
phpstan/phpstan PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool ^1.11 2.1.6 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^9.0 12.0.4 outdated
roave/security-advisories Prevents installation of composer packages with known security vulnerabilities: no API, simply require it dev-latest unknown
squizlabs/php_codesniffer PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. ^3.6 3.11.3 up to date