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Packages from mvo

Package Status
mvo/contao-content-variants Use a single integer field to store variant configurations of content elements. Dependency Badge
mvo/contao-facebook Dependency Badge
mvo/contao-facebook-import Facebook posts and events for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
mvo/contao-group-widget Adds a new group widget that allows repeating a set of DCA fields. Dependency Badge
mvo/contao-me-like mvo/me-like integration for Contao Dependency Badge
mvo/contao-nested-forms Allow nested forms/sub forms in Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
mvo/contao-opengraph-tags Add opengraph tags to your pages in Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
mvo/contao-survey Create surveys from the Contao backend. Dependency Badge
mvo/contao-tooling strongly opinionated Contao tooling for shared DB management + deployment Dependency Badge
mvo/contao-twig Replace your Contao php templates with Twig templates. Dependency Badge
mvo/contao-xdebug Strips the XDEBUG_SESSION cookie from the request. Dependency Badge
mvo/me-like Let users like things, confirm their likes via email and keep track of the count. Dependency Badge