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Packages from mpyw

Package Status
mpyw/base-utf8 BaseXX encoder/decoder those support any valid UTF-8 sequences. Dependency Badge
mpyw/co Asynchronous cURL executor simply based on resource and Generator Dependency Badge
mpyw/comphar Pack all composer dependencies into a single phar file Dependency Badge
mpyw/compoships-eager-limit topclaudy/compoships + staudenmeir/eloquent-eager-limit Dependency Badge
mpyw/coutte Yet another asynchronous scraper based on mpyw/co Dependency Badge
mpyw/cowitter Asynchronous Twitter client compatible with mpyw/co Generator-based flows. Dependency Badge
mpyw/easycrypt A class that provides simple interface for decryptable encryption. Dependency Badge
mpyw/eloquent-has-by-join Convert has() and whereHas() constraints to join() ones for single-result relations. Dependency Badge
mpyw/eloquent-has-by-non-dependent-subquery Convert has() and whereHas() constraints to non-dependent subqueries. Dependency Badge
mpyw/exceper Provides temporary error handler automatically using set_error_handler() and restore_error_handler(). Dependency Badge
mpyw/hardbotter Yet another EasyBotter Dependency Badge
mpyw/laravel-cached-database-stickiness Guarantee database stickiness over the same user's consecutive requests Dependency Badge
mpyw/laravel-database-advisory-lock Advisory Locking Features of Postgres/MySQL/MariaDB on Laravel Dependency Badge
mpyw/laravel-database-mock Database Mocking Library which mocks PDO underlying Laravel Connection classes Dependency Badge
mpyw/laravel-file-errors A tiny extension that reports validation error details about uploaded files Dependency Badge
mpyw/laravel-local-class-scope A tiny macro that reuse a global scope class as a local scope Dependency Badge
mpyw/laravel-mysql-system-variable-manager A tiny extension of MySqlConnection that manages session system variables Dependency Badge
mpyw/laravel-pdo-emulation-control Temporarily enable/disable PDO prepared statement emulation Dependency Badge
mpyw/laravel-retry-on-duplicate-key Automatically retry non-atomic upsert operation when unique constraints are violated. Dependency Badge
mpyw/laravel-transaction-observer Dependency Badge
mpyw/laravel-unique-violation-detector Detect primary/unique key or constraint violation errors from PDOException. Dependency Badge
mpyw/mockery-pdo BDD-style PDO Mocking Library for Mockery Dependency Badge
mpyw/null-auth Null Guard for Laravel. Designed for Middleware-based authentication and testing. Dependency Badge
mpyw/opengraph PHP library for consuming and publishing Open Graph resources. Dependency Badge
mpyw/php-hyper-builtin-server Reverse proxy for PHP built-in server which supports multiprocessing and TLS/SSL encryption Dependency Badge
mpyw/phpunit-patch-serializable-comparison Fixes assertSame/assertEquals serialization errors running in separate processes. Dependency Badge
mpyw/privator Utils for testing private methods and properties on PHP 7.0+ Dependency Badge
mpyw/scoped-auth Apply specific scope for user authentication. Dependency Badge
mpyw/sharable-value-objects Share value objects that contain the same primitive value as a singleton. Dependency Badge
mpyw/streamable-console Call interactive artisan command using arbitrary stream Dependency Badge
mpyw/stream-interface-resource Create resource stream from PSR-7 StreamInterface implementation Dependency Badge
mpyw/twistoauth Advanced PHP Twitter library. Dependency Badge
mpyw/twittertext Strict linkification tool for Twitter statuses. Dependency Badge
mpyw/unclosure Closure unwrapper especially suited for Laravel PDO Dependency Badge
mpyw/unique-violation-detector Detect primary/unique key or constraint violation errors from PDOException. Dependency Badge
mpyw/uuid-ulid-converter UUID <=> ULID bidirectional converter Dependency Badge