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Packages from mpociot

Package Status
mpociot/blacksmith The unofficial Laravel Forge API Dependency Badge
mpociot/botman Create messaging bots in PHP with ease. Dependency Badge
mpociot/botman-laravel-starter BotMan Chatbot framework. Dependency Badge
mpociot/botman-tinker BotMan tinker command for your Laravel BotMan project Dependency Badge
mpociot/captainhook Add webhooks to your Laravel app. Dependency Badge
mpociot/chuck-norris-jokes Create random Chuck Norris jokes. Dependency Badge
mpociot/cockpit Dependency Badge
mpociot/couchbase A Couchbase based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel Dependency Badge
mpociot/documentarian Dependency Badge
mpociot/human-regex Regular expressions for human beings, not machines Dependency Badge
mpociot/illuminate-contao PHP project. Dependency Badge
mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator Generate beautiful API documentation from your Laravel application Dependency Badge
mpociot/laravel-composite-key Support composite keys in your laravel app. Dependency Badge
mpociot/laravel-face-auth Use Microsoft Face API as a authentication method in your Laravel app. Dependency Badge
mpociot/laravel-firebase-sync Synchronize your Eloquent models with a Firebase realtime database. Dependency Badge
mpociot/laravel-test-factory-helper Generate Laravel test factories from your existing models Dependency Badge
mpociot/phpws WebSocket Server and Client library for PHP Dependency Badge
mpociot/pipeline Simple PHP middleware pipeline Dependency Badge
mpociot/reanimate Undo Laravel soft deletes Dependency Badge
mpociot/reauthenticate Reauthenticate users by letting them re-enter their passwords for specific parts of your app. Dependency Badge
mpociot/reflection-docblock Dependency Badge
mpociot/slackbot Create messaging bots in PHP with ease. Dependency Badge
mpociot/slack-client A better Slack client, with RTM API support Dependency Badge
mpociot/socialite-slack Slack OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite Dependency Badge
mpociot/teamwork User to Team associations for the Laravel 5 Framework Dependency Badge
mpociot/vat-calculator EU VAT calculation, the way it should be. Dependency Badge
mpociot/versionable Allows to create Laravel 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 Model versioning and restoring Dependency Badge