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Packages from middlewares

Package Status
middlewares/access-log Middleware to generate access logs Dependency Badge
middlewares/aura-router Middleware to use Aura.Router Dependency Badge
middlewares/aura-session Middleware to manage sessions using Aura.Session Dependency Badge
middlewares/base-path Middleware to remove the prefix from the uri path of the request. Dependency Badge
middlewares/base-path-router A PSR-15 middleware for hierarchical dispatching based on path prefixes Dependency Badge
middlewares/cache Middleware with various cache utilities Dependency Badge
middlewares/client-ip Middleware to detect the client ip and save it as a request attribute Dependency Badge
middlewares/content-length Middleware to inject the Content-Length header into the response based on the body size Dependency Badge
middlewares/cors Middleware to implement Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Dependency Badge
middlewares/csp Middleware to add the Content-Security-Policy header to the response Dependency Badge
middlewares/csv-payload Middleware to parse the CSV body of the request Dependency Badge
middlewares/debugbar Middleware to insert PHP DebugBar automatically in html responses Dependency Badge
middlewares/emitter Middleware to send a PSR-7 response using header() and echo Dependency Badge
middlewares/encoder Middleware to encode the response body to gzip or deflate Dependency Badge
middlewares/error-handler Middleware to handle http errors Dependency Badge
middlewares/error-response Middleware to handle responses with error status code (4xx-5xx) Dependency Badge
middlewares/fast-route Middleware to use FastRoute Dependency Badge
middlewares/filesystem Middleware to save or read responses using Flysystem Dependency Badge
middlewares/firewall Middleware to provide IP filtering Dependency Badge
middlewares/geolocation Middleware to geolocate the client using the ip address Dependency Badge
middlewares/honeypot Middleware to implement a honeypot spam prevention Dependency Badge
middlewares/http-authentication Middleware to implement Basic and Digest Http authentication Dependency Badge
middlewares/https Middleware to redirect to https and adds the Strict-Transport-Security header Dependency Badge
middlewares/image-manipulation Middleware to manipulate images on-demand Dependency Badge
middlewares/lowercase A lowercase repository for PSR-15 middleware packages Dependency Badge
middlewares/method-override Middleware to override the request method using the X-Http-Method-Override header Dependency Badge
middlewares/minifier Middleware to minify Html, CSS and Javascript responses Dependency Badge
middlewares/negotiation Middleware to implement content negotiation Dependency Badge
middlewares/payload Middleware to parse the body of the request with support for json, csv and url-encode Dependency Badge
middlewares/php-session Middleware to start php sessions using the request data Dependency Badge
middlewares/proxy Middleware to forward requests and return responses Dependency Badge
middlewares/recaptcha Middleware to use Google reCAPTCHA for spam prevention Dependency Badge
middlewares/redirect A redirect repository for PSR-15 middleware packages Dependency Badge
middlewares/referrer-spam Middleware to block referrer spammers Dependency Badge
middlewares/reporting-logger A middleware to log client-side reportings Dependency Badge
middlewares/request-handler Middleware to execute request handlers Dependency Badge
middlewares/response-time Middleware to save the response time into the X-Response-Time header Dependency Badge
middlewares/robots Middleware to enable/disable the robots of the search engines Dependency Badge
middlewares/shutdown Middleware to display a 503 maintenance page Dependency Badge
middlewares/skeleton A skeleton repository for PSR-15 middleware packages Dependency Badge
middlewares/trailing-slash Middleware to normalize the trailing slash of the uri path Dependency Badge
middlewares/utils Common utils for PSR-15 middleware packages Dependency Badge
middlewares/uuid Middleware to generate an UUID and save it in the X-Uuid header Dependency Badge
middlewares/whoops Middleware to use Whoops as error handler Dependency Badge
middlewares/www Middleware to add or remove the www subdomain in the host uri and returns a redirect response Dependency Badge