10 total, all up-to-date
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
micro/autowire | Micro Framework: Component for autoconfiguring services | ^1.6 | v1.6.4 | up to date |
micro/kernel-app | Micro Framework: App Kernel component | ^1.6 | v1.6.2 | up to date |
micro/plugin-configuration-helper | Micro Framework: Configuration helper tool | ^1.6 | v1.6.1 | up to date |
micro/plugin-console | Micro Framework: Console application component | ^1.6 | v1.6.2 | up to date |
micro/plugin-doctrine | Micro Framework: Doctrine ORM Supports | ^1.6.0 | v1.6.1.1 | up to date |
micro/plugin-http-pack | Micro Framework: HTTP plugins pack. | ^1.6 | v1.6.0 | up to date |
micro/plugin-logger-monolog | Micro Framework: Monolog logger adapter for micro/plugin-logger-core. | ^1 | v1.4.0 | up to date |
micro/plugin-twig | Micro Framework: Http route locator from other plugins by plugin interface. | ^1.6 | v1.6.1 | up to date |
micro/plugin-twig-webpack-encore | This is a Micro plugin for webpack-encore support | ^1.6 | v1.6.0 | up to date |
vlucas/phpdotenv | Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically. | ^5.4 | v5.6.1 | up to date |
6 total, 4 outdated
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
ergebnis/composer-normalize | Provides a composer plugin for normalizing composer.json. | ^2.29 | 2.45.0 | up to date |
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer | A tool to automatically fix PHP code style | ^3.13 | v3.70.1 | up to date |
phpstan/phpstan | PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool | ^1.10 | 2.1.6 | outdated |
phpunit/php-code-coverage | Library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information. | ^10.1 | 12.0.4 | outdated |
phpunit/phpunit | The PHP Unit Testing framework. | ^10.1 | 12.0.5 | outdated |
vimeo/psalm | A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications | ^5.15 | 6.8.8 | outdated |