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Packages from mhujer

Package Status
mhujer/breadcrumbs-bundle Breadcrumbs bundle for Symfony Dependency Badge
mhujer/consistence-bundle Add translator and form elements for enums from consistence/consistence Dependency Badge
mhujer/consistence-phpunit Add PHPUnit assert for Enums from consistence/consistence Dependency Badge
mhujer/elasticsearch-bundle Integrates the elasticsearch/elasticsearch-php library into Symfony project. Provides Symfony Profiler panel with detailed information about the queries. Dependency Badge
mhujer/fio-api-bundle Integrates mhujer/fio-api-php into Symfony Dependency Badge
mhujer/fio-api-php Fio API PHP implemention Dependency Badge
mhujer/javascript-error-handler-bundle Converts JavaScript errors to alerts, so you won't miss them if you don't have the browser console open. Dependency Badge
mhujer/jms-serializer-uuid Uuid serializer and deserializer for JMS Serializer library Dependency Badge
mhujer/jms-serializer-uuid-bundle Symfony integration for Uuid serializer and deserializer for JMS Serializer library Dependency Badge
mhujer/json-simple-db Work with JSON file like with a simple database Dependency Badge
mhujer/phpstan-consistence Custom PHPStan Rules for Consistence library Dependency Badge
mhujer/phpstan-rules Custom rules for phpstan Dependency Badge
mhujer/rabbit-mq-consumer-handler-bundle Handle messages in RabbitMQ consumers in a safe and effective way Dependency Badge
mhujer/rabbit-mq-database-transaction-producer-bundle Publish messages to RabbitMQ producer when database transaction was committed Dependency Badge
mhujer/yaml-sort-checker YAML sort checker checks if your YML files are properly sorted to prevent merge conflicts Dependency Badge