.Package | Status | |
mglaman/authnet | PHP SDK for Authorize.Net API, using Guzzle. | |
mglaman/composer-drupal-lenient | ||
mglaman/docker-helper | Helper class for interacting with Docker, Docker Compose, and Docker Machine. | |
mglaman/drupal-check | CLI tool for running checks on a Drupal code base | |
mglaman/drupal-entity-enhancements | DX improvements for creating entity types | |
mglaman/drupal-memory-kernel | Provides a DrupalKernel that uses an in-memory SQLite database | |
mglaman/drupal-object-storage | Provides integration with object storage in Drupal's stream wrappers | |
mglaman/drupalorg-cli | Command line interface for interacting with | |
mglaman/drupal-static-autoloader | A package to support static autoloading of Drupal core and extension code | |
mglaman/drupal-test-helpers | Helpers for writing better Kernel and Unit tests for Drupal | |
mglaman/mail | Console app for reading via IMAP | |
mglaman/officernd | SDK for integrating with the OfficeR&D API | |
mglaman/phpci-drush | Adds Drush to PHPCI | |
mglaman/phpstan-civicrm | Extension for [PHPStan]( to allow static analysis of CiviCRM. | |
mglaman/phpstan-drupal | Drupal extension and rules for PHPStan | |
mglaman/phpstan-drupal-deprecations | streamline configuring Drupal deprecation testing | |
mglaman/phpstan-junit | ErrorFormatter for PHPStan to output errors in JUnit format | |
mglaman/platform-docker | An opinionated platform stack for Drupal with Docker Compose | |
mglaman/retrofit-drupal | Retrofit provides compatibility layers to run legacy Drupal code. | |
mglaman/toolstack-helper | Helps identify what kind of project is in a folder (Drupal, WordPress, Symfonfy, etc.) | |
mglaman/units | Measurement unit library. | |
mglaman/webdrivers | Some additional things around Facebook's WebDriver library. |