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Packages from menatwork

Package Status
menatwork/agentselection Helper functions for selecting user agents Dependency Badge
menatwork/articleselection Show or hide articles for os and browser Dependency Badge
menatwork/backend-language-switcher Switch between pages and their translated siblings Dependency Badge
menatwork/backenduserhistory Track backend user editing Dependency Badge
menatwork/cleanup A general cronjob to cleanup folders and files Dependency Badge
menatwork/clipboard Store pages, articles and content elements in long-term clipboard Dependency Badge
menatwork/contao-matomotrackingtag-bundle Includes the tracking code of the web analytics software Matomo Dependency Badge
menatwork/contao-multicolumnwizard MultiColumWizard for Contao OpenSource CMS Dependency Badge
menatwork/contao-multicolumnwizard-bundle MultiColumWizard for Contao OpenSource CMS Dependency Badge
menatwork/contao-news-most-read-bundle Extends the Contao news list element with an sort by most read option. Dependency Badge
menatwork/contao-selectmodule-bundle Assign a language to a module Dependency Badge
menatwork/contao-syncaccclient-bundle Synchronize user and member Dependency Badge
menatwork/contao-templateselection Change the template depending on the user agent Dependency Badge
menatwork/contao-toolbox Tools for a better contao work. Dependency Badge
menatwork/contao-wf-extended-breadcrumb-bundle Extended breadcrumb navigation Dependency Badge
menatwork/contentselection Show or hide content elements for os and browser Dependency Badge
menatwork/ctocommunication General communication class for contao Dependency Badge
menatwork/currentinstallation Display the current installation in the backend Dependency Badge
menatwork/diffiehellman A implementation of Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange cryptographic protocol for PHP5/7 Dependency Badge
menatwork/extendededitors New inserttags for external URLs and current language Dependency Badge
menatwork/extendedseo Add keywords and description at the root page Dependency Badge
menatwork/frontendcheckboxmenu Include the select all checkbox for frontend checkbox widgets Dependency Badge
menatwork/geolocation Library for user location detection Dependency Badge
menatwork/geolocationredirect Flexible URL-based redirection with setting geo information automatically Dependency Badge
menatwork/geoprotection Hide or display content elements for selected countries Dependency Badge
menatwork/loginredirects Forward fe groups after logging selectively Dependency Badge
menatwork/manipulatetemplates Manipulate templates update safe Dependency Badge
menatwork/maxmind MaxMind GeoIP cronjob and integration for Contao Dependency Badge
menatwork/memberfrontendpreview Open the front end preview as specific member Dependency Badge
menatwork/mfa Mail form attachments Dependency Badge
menatwork/phpseclib PHP secure communications library for Contao Dependency Badge
menatwork/piwiktrackingtag Includes the tracking code of the web analytics software Piwik Dependency Badge
menatwork/randomimage Show random images for selected folders Dependency Badge
menatwork/realurl Use folder-like URL's in Contao Dependency Badge
menatwork/registration_info_mailer Send a customized email if an new user register or activate an account or the login flag of an account has changed. Dependency Badge
menatwork/rootsearch Search over multiple root pages Dependency Badge
menatwork/selectmodule Assign a language to a module Dependency Badge
menatwork/semantic_html5 Create html5 elements as content element Dependency Badge
menatwork/syncacc Synchronize user and member Dependency Badge
menatwork/synccto Synchronize multiple contao installations with each other Dependency Badge
menatwork/wf_extendedbreadcrumb Extended breadcrumb navigation Dependency Badge
menatwork/ziparchivecto A file archive, compressed with zip Dependency Badge
menatwork/zipstream Streaming dynamic zip files from PHP without writing to the disk at all on the server Dependency Badge