
9 total, all up-to-date

Package Required Latest Status
doctrine/doctrine-bundle Symfony DoctrineBundle ^2.10 2.13.2 up to date
meilisearch/meilisearch-php PHP wrapper for the Meilisearch API ^1.0.0 v1.13.0 up to date
symfony/config Helps you find, load, combine, autofill and validate configuration values of any kind ^5.4 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date
symfony/dependency-injection Allows you to standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed in your application ^5.4.17 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date
symfony/event-dispatcher Provides tools that allow your application components to communicate with each other by dispatching events and listening to them ^5.4 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 v7.2.0 up to date
symfony/http-kernel Provides a structured process for converting a Request into a Response ^5.4 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date
symfony/polyfill-php80 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 8.0+ features to lower PHP versions ^1.27 v1.31.0 up to date
symfony/property-access Provides functions to read and write from/to an object or array using a simple string notation ^5.4 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date
symfony/serializer Handles serializing and deserializing data structures, including object graphs, into array structures or other formats like XML and JSON. ^5.4 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date

Requires (dev)

19 total, 6 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
doctrine/annotations Docblock Annotations Parser ^2.0.0 2.0.2 up to date
doctrine/orm Object-Relational-Mapper for PHP ^2.12 || ^3.0 3.3.2 up to date
matthiasnoback/symfony-config-test Library for testing user classes related to the Symfony Config Component ^4.3 || ^5.2 v5.2.0 up to date
matthiasnoback/symfony-dependency-injection-test Library for testing user classes related to the Symfony Dependency Injection Component ^4.3 || ^5.0 6.0.0 outdated
nyholm/psr7 A fast PHP7 implementation of PSR-7 ^1.8.1 1.8.2 up to date
php-cs-fixer/shim A tool to automatically fix PHP code style ^3.58.1 v3.69.1 up to date
phpmd/phpmd PHPMD is a spin-off project of PHP Depend and aims to be a PHP equivalent of the well known Java tool PMD. ^2.15 2.15.0 up to date
phpstan/extension-installer Composer plugin for automatic installation of PHPStan extensions ^1.4.1 1.4.3 up to date
phpstan/phpstan PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool ^1.11.4 2.1.6 outdated
phpstan/phpstan-doctrine Doctrine extensions for PHPStan ^1.4.3 2.0.1 outdated
phpstan/phpstan-phpunit PHPUnit extensions and rules for PHPStan ^1.4.0 2.0.4 outdated
phpstan/phpstan-symfony Symfony Framework extensions and rules for PHPStan ^1.4.4 2.0.2 outdated
phpunit/php-code-coverage Library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information. ^9.2.31 12.0.3 outdated
symfony/doctrine-bridge Provides integration for Doctrine with various Symfony components ^5.4.19 || ^6.0.7 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date
symfony/filesystem Provides basic utilities for the filesystem ^5.4 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 v7.2.0 up to date
symfony/framework-bundle Provides a tight integration between Symfony components and the Symfony full-stack framework ^5.4.17 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date
symfony/http-client Provides powerful methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously ^5.4 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date
symfony/phpunit-bridge Provides utilities for PHPUnit, especially user deprecation notices management ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.0 up to date
symfony/yaml Loads and dumps YAML files ^5.4 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date