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Packages from markguinn

Package Status
markguinn/silvershop-braintree Braintree payment integration for SilverShop e-commerce Dependency Badge
markguinn/silvershop-stripe Stripe.js payment integration for SilverShop e-commerce Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-ajax Foundational ajax support for Silverstripe CMS: push/pull server-side regions, trigger client-side events, modals, status messages. Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-clockwork Silverstripe extension integrating the Clockwork Chrome extension Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-cloudassets Allows some or all of the assets folder to be located in a cloud storage container (CloudFiles, etc.) Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-cloudassets-rackspace Rackspace CloudFiles bucket driver for markguinn/silverstripe-cloudassets Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-deploytools Provides automated git deployment and (soon) assets/database backup. Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-email-helpers Silverstripe extension containing SMTP mailer class and some other classes for HTML emails Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-fb-comments Really simple FB comments for Silverstripe. Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-fb-like-button Super simple Silverstripe extension to add Facebook like buttons to pages. Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-featureditems Very simple way to add a slideshow or other set of featured images/links to a page. Includes easy markup for Foundation's Orbit component. Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-gridfieldmultiselect Gridfield extensions to add checkboxes for each row to easily delete or perform actions on multiple rows. Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-listbuilderfield Provides 'list builder' or 'dual lists' ux pattern as a form field for Silverstripe CMS. Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-livepub Adds blocks of raw php to staticpublisher for limited 'live' elements (cookies, sessions, etc). Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-related_products Submodule for Silverstripe shop/ecommerce which allows you to specify related products for any Buyable. Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-ajax Ajax functionality for burnbright/silverstripe-shop Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-downloadable Downloadable products for Silverstripe Shop module Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-email Automated folloup emails and mass mailings for Silverstripe and SS Shop Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-extendedimages Submodule for Silverstripe Shop adding multiple images with a thumbnail gallery and zooming. Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-extendedpricing Submodule for Silverstripe Shop adding pricing levels based on group (wholesale, etc) and per-item sale pricing. Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-groupedproducts Grouped products for Silverstripe Shop module Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-livepub Integration points for ss-shop and livepub modules (static caching with dynamic areas) Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-search Better search for Silverstripe's shop module with interchangeable adapters (currently mysql and solr) and filtering/faceting. Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-sync Two-way configurable sync for linking Silverstripe to mobile apps (or potentially other data sources). Dependency Badge
markguinn/silverstripe-wishlist Wishlist submodule for Silverstripe Shop. Dependency Badge