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Packages from markbaker

Package Status
markbaker/complex PHP Class for working with complex numbers Dependency Badge
markbaker/complex-functions PHP Library for working with complex numbers as procedural functions Dependency Badge
markbaker/enumhelper A small library that provides Helper Traits for PHP 8.1 Enums Dependency Badge
markbaker/matrix PHP Class for working with matrices Dependency Badge
markbaker/matrix-functions PHP Library for working with matrices as procedural functions Dependency Badge
markbaker/phpgeodetic Geodetic library Dependency Badge
markbaker/quadtrees QuadTree implementation in PHP Dependency Badge
markbaker/spymaster SpyMaster is a small library, for use in testing, that allows access to verify the values of protected and private properties in a class that is being tested, without needing to modify the class using Reflection. Dependency Badge
markbaker/tries PHP Classes for Trie datastructures Dependency Badge
markbaker/ukraine Composer Plug-in to show support for Ukraine Dependency Badge