Keep your dependencies up-to-date

Package.Health uses semantic versioning to detect outdated or insecure dependencies in your project's composer.json.

Packages from marcosh

Package Status
marcosh/effector Dependency Badge
marcosh/fundic Dependency Badge
marcosh/lamphpda A collection of functional programming data structures Dependency Badge
marcosh/lamphpda-optics A functional optics library for PHP Dependency Badge
marcosh/lamphpda-validation A validation library using Either from marcosh/lamphpda Dependency Badge
marcosh/maybe-php A safe and generic implementation of Maybe in PHP Dependency Badge
marcosh/php-type-checker Checks if type hints are present and coherent with doc block declarations Dependency Badge
marcosh/php-validation-dsl A DSL for validating data in a functional fashion Dependency Badge
marcosh/phriendly-dependencies A tool to check if you are accessing dependencies you should not have access to Dependency Badge