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Packages from marcocesarato

Package Status
marcocesarato/amwscan AMWSCAN (Antimalware Scanner) is a php antimalware/antivirus scanner console script written in php for scan your project. This can work on php projects and a lot of others platform. Dependency Badge
marcocesarato/cpdo This package can retrieve PDO query results from cache variables. It extends the base PDO class and override some functions to handle database query execution and store the query results in variables. The class can also return query results for cached queries for previously executed queries to retrieve the results faster for repeated queries. Dependency Badge
marcocesarato/dumper This class displays structured information about one or more expressions that includes its type and value. Arrays and objects are explored recursively with values indented to show structure. Dependency Badge
marcocesarato/markdown This package can convert PHPDoc comments from classes into Markdown. It can parse a class file with a given file name and extracts the documentation of its functions and variables that it may contain in PHPDoc format. The package can convert the extracted documentation into a file in Markdown format. Dependency Badge
marcocesarato/minifier This class can minify HTML, Javascript and CSS Dependency Badge
marcocesarato/php-conventional-changelog Generate changelogs and release notes from a project's commit messages and metadata and automate versioning with and Dependency Badge
marcocesarato/security AIO Security Class offer an automatic system of protection for developers's projects and simplify some security operations as the check of CSRF or XSS all in a simple class. Infact you could just call the main method to have better security yet without too much complicated operations. Dependency Badge
marcocesarato/sqlparser This class can parse SQL to get query type, tables, field values, etc.. It takes an string with a SQL statements and parses it to extract its different components. Currently the class can extract the SQL query method, the names of the tables involved in the query and the field values that are passed as parameters. This parser is pretty light respect phpsqlparser or others php sql parser. Dependency Badge