2 total, all up-to-date
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
psr/log | Common interface for logging libraries | ^1.0 || ^2.0 || ^3.0 | 3.0.2 | up to date |
symfony/polyfill-php80 | Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 8.0+ features to lower PHP versions | ^1.28 | v1.31.0 | up to date |
13 total, 1 outdated
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
eloquent/liberator | A proxy for circumventing PHP access modifier restrictions. | ^2.0 || ^3.0 | 3.0.0 | up to date |
ergebnis/composer-normalize | Provides a composer plugin for normalizing composer.json. | ^2.13 | 2.45.0 | up to date |
ergebnis/phpunit-slow-test-detector | Provides facilities for detecting slow tests in phpunit/phpunit. | ^2.9 | 2.17.0 | up to date |
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer | A tool to automatically fix PHP code style | ^3.0 | v3.65.0 | up to date |
mikey179/vfsstream | Virtual file system to mock the real file system in unit tests. | ^1.6.11 | v1.6.12 | up to date |
php-mock/php-mock-phpunit | Mock built-in PHP functions (e.g. time()) with PHPUnit. This package relies on PHP's namespace fallback policy. No further extension is needed. | ^2.1 | 2.10.0 | up to date |
phpstan/extension-installer | Composer plugin for automatic installation of PHPStan extensions | ^1.1 | 1.4.3 | up to date |
phpstan/phpstan | PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool | ^2.0 | 2.0.4 | up to date |
phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules | PHPStan rules for detecting usage of deprecated classes, methods, properties, constants and traits. | ^2.0 | 2.0.1 | up to date |
phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules | Extra strict and opinionated rules for PHPStan | ^2.0 | 2.0.1 | up to date |
phpunit/phpunit | The PHP Unit Testing framework. | ^9.5.25 || ^10.0 || ^11.0 | 11.5.2 | up to date |
predis/predis | A flexible and feature-complete Redis client for PHP. | ^1.1.8 | v2.3.0 | outdated |
spatie/async | Asynchronous and parallel PHP with the PCNTL extension | ^1.5 | 1.6.2 | up to date |