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Packages from macfja

Package Status
macfja/book-retriever Library to retrieve data about books Dependency Badge
macfja/chain-config A configuration loader, where order matters. Dependency Badge
macfja/chain-select Dependency Badge
macfja/composer-class-rewrite Composer plugin to handle class rewrite Dependency Badge
macfja/composer-phar-bin Composer plugin to replace dev dependencies by Phar Dependency Badge
macfja/lexer-expression Library to transform a Doctrine lexer into a RPN expression and solve it Dependency Badge
macfja/math A set of tools around Mathematics. Dependency Badge
macfja/phar-builder CLI tool for create phar of your composer based project Dependency Badge
macfja/php-kvo The KVO (Key Value Observing) design pattern in PHP Dependency Badge
macfja/phpqa-extensions A tool to add more QA tools to PHPQA Dependency Badge
macfja/phptransformer-twital Twital implementation of PhpTransformer Dependency Badge
macfja/polyfill-registry List of all (most of) polyfills for PHP Dependency Badge
macfja/redisearch PHP Client for RediSearch Dependency Badge
macfja/redisearch-integration Helper tools to integrate RediSearch in PHP project Dependency Badge
macfja/symfony-console-filechooser Filechooser Helper for Symfony console (with autocompletion support) Dependency Badge
macfja/tracy-doctrine-sql A Tracy panel for Doctrine SQL queries Dependency Badge
macfja/validator Validator is a simple way to validate a property or an object. Dependency Badge
macfja/value-provider Get/Set object value with its getter/setter/property/metadata Dependency Badge