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Packages from loophp

Package Status
loophp/church-encoding Church encoding in PHP Dependency Badge
loophp/collection A (memory) friendly, easy, lazy and modular collection class. Dependency Badge
loophp/combinator A curated list of combinators Dependency Badge
loophp/fpt Functional programming toolbox for PHP. Dependency Badge
loophp/go-unfloc-yourself-bundle Adds a specific header to every response to disable Google's usage of your site in it's FLoC tracking method. Dependency Badge
loophp/grumphp-license-task Provide a task for GrumPHP that check if the License file is valid. Dependency Badge
loophp/iterators The missing PHP iterators. Dependency Badge
loophp/launcher Open a file or a resource with the default OS application. Dependency Badge
loophp/memoize Memoize a closure. Dependency Badge
loophp/mock-soapclient A fake and predictable SOAP client, useful for your unit tests. Dependency Badge
loophp/nanobench A simple and lightweight benchmarking tool for PHP. Dependency Badge
loophp/phposinfo Try to guess the host operating system. Dependency Badge
loophp/phpspec-time A PHPSpec extension providing matchers for measuring time in tests. Dependency Badge
loophp/phptree An implementation of tree data structure Dependency Badge
loophp/phptree-ast-generator Generates AST of a PHP script in DOT (Graphviz) or Image (PNG, JPG, SVG) formats. Dependency Badge
loophp/phpunit-iterable-assertions Iterable assertions for PHPUnit Dependency Badge
loophp/psr17 Provides a PSR17 synthetic implementation. Dependency Badge
loophp/psr-http-message-bridge-bundle Register symfony/psr-http-message-bridge classes in your Symfony application. Dependency Badge
loophp/repository-monadic-helper Monadic Doctrine repositories helper classes and services. Dependency Badge
loophp/service-alias-autoregister-bundle Auto register services aliases in the Symfony container. Dependency Badge
loophp/tin Provide validation tools for Taxpayer Identification Number Dependency Badge
loophp/typed-generators Generate random typed values and in any shape. Dependency Badge
loophp/unaltered-psr-http-message-bridge-bundle A drop-in replacement for symfony/psr-http-message-bridge, that does not alter query parameters. Dependency Badge