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Packages from localheinz

Package Status
localheinz/classy Provides a finder for classy constructs (classes, enums, interfaces, and traits). Dependency Badge
localheinz/clock Provides abstractions of a clock. Dependency Badge
localheinz/composer-json-normalizer Provides normalizers for normalizing composer.json. Dependency Badge
localheinz/composer-normalize Provides a composer plugin for normalizing composer.json. Dependency Badge
localheinz/data-structure Provides implementations of data structures. Dependency Badge
localheinz/diff Fork of sebastian/diff for use with ergebnis/composer-normalize Dependency Badge
localheinz/factory-girl-definition Provides an interface for, and an easy way to find and register entity definitions for breerly/factory-girl-php. Dependency Badge
localheinz/factory-muffin-definition Provides an interface for, and an easy way to find and register entity definitions for league/factory-muffin. Dependency Badge
localheinz/faker-provider Provides additional providers for fzaninotto/faker. Dependency Badge
localheinz/github-changelog Provides a console command that generates a changelog based on titles of pull requests merged between specified references. Dependency Badge
localheinz/github-pulse Provides a command line tool for generating an organization-wide GitHub pulse. Dependency Badge
localheinz/http-log Provides a console application for analyzing an HTTP access log file. Dependency Badge
localheinz/http-method Provides constants for HTTP request methods. Dependency Badge
localheinz/json-normalizer Provides generic and vendor-specific normalizers for normalizing JSON documents. Dependency Badge
localheinz/json-printer Provides a JSON printer, allowing for flexible indentation. Dependency Badge
localheinz/php-cs-fixer-config Provides a configuration factory and multiple rule sets for friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer. Dependency Badge
localheinz/php-library-template Provides a GitHub repository template for a PHP package with GitHub Actions workflows using standard PHP development tools. Dependency Badge
localheinz/phpstan-rules Provides rules for phpstan/phpstan. Dependency Badge
localheinz/phpunit-framework-constraint Provides additional constraints and assertions for phpunit/phpunit Dependency Badge
localheinz/repository Provides templates for GitHub repositories. Dependency Badge
localheinz/specification Provides specifications following the paper by Eric Evans and Martin Fowler. Dependency Badge
localheinz/test-util Provides a helper trait and generic data providers for tests. Dependency Badge
localheinz/token Provides a simple abstraction for a token and a sequence of tokens. Dependency Badge