
11 total, 7 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
cdaguerre/php-trello-api Trello API v1 client ~0.0 0.9.3 up to date
dbtk/schema-loader Load Database schema from XML ~2.1 v2.7.1 up to date
google/apiclient Client library for Google APIs ~2.0 v2.18.2 up to date
guzzlehttp/guzzle Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library ~6.0 7.9.2 outdated
guzzlehttp/streams Provides a simple abstraction over streams of data ~3.0 3.0.0 up to date
knplabs/github-api GitHub API v3 client ~2.0 v3.16.0 outdated
linkorb/monica-client-php Monica api client dev-master v1.0.0 outdated
php-http/guzzle6-adapter Guzzle 6 HTTP Adapter ~1.0 v2.0.2 outdated
symfony/dotenv Registers environment variables from a .env file ~3.0 v7.2.0 outdated
symfony/yaml Loads and dumps YAML files ~2.7|~3.0 v7.2.3 outdated
teamtnt/tntsearch A fully featured full text search engine written in PHP ~1.0 v4.4.0 outdated

Requires (dev)

No required development dependencies.