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Packages from liip

Package Status
liip/cache-control-bundle This Bundle provides a way to set path based cache expiration headers via the app configuration and provides a helper to control the reverse proxy varnish. Dependency Badge
liip/code-bundle Liip Code Bundle Dependency Badge
liip/container-wrapper-bundle Because mommy taught you to not screw DI by just injecting everything. Dependency Badge
liip/dataaggregator The data aggregator cumulates information provided by a loader and routes them to a persistence layer Dependency Badge
liip/doctrine-cache-bundle This Bundle provides integration into Symfony2 with the Doctrine Common Cache layer. Dependency Badge
liip/drupal-coder-enhancements Internal Drupal coding standards. Dependency Badge
liip/drupalconnectormodule The DrupalConnector Module is an abstraction layer to the Drupal 7 API of global functions in order to use them in an OOD setup. Dependency Badge
liip/drupalcrudadminmodule Provides a generic CRUD administration interface for Drupal 7. Dependency Badge
liip/drupaleventmanagermodule Event manager to enhance the Drupal hook system (actually use it for you custom events instead of the hook system) Dependency Badge
liip/drupalregistrymodule This module provides an API to by used to persist/cache information. Dependency Badge
liip/drupal-testing A library to integrate PHPUnit with Drupal Dependency Badge
liip/drupaltranslationmodule The translation module provides an API to manuipulate the phrases and keys of the translation ability in Drupal 7. Dependency Badge
liip/drushversionmanagercommand This module provides a drush command to maintain module versions. Dependency Badge
liip/formtranslationchoice-bundle A Symfony2 bundle that provides a form choice and a validation constraint that work with translation domains. Dependency Badge
liip/foxycart-bundle Symfony Foxycart integration Bundle Dependency Badge
liip/frctl-twig Alias-Loader for handling fractal @handle's in twig and callable handler for the accompanied node module Dependency Badge
liip/functional-test-bundle This bundles provides additional functional test-cases for Symfony applications Dependency Badge
liip/hello-bundle This Bundle provides examples for various Liip and other bundles. Dependency Badge
liip/hyphenator-bundle This Bundle provides support for hyphenating long words using the Org_Heigl_Hyphenator library Dependency Badge
liip/imagine-bundle This bundle provides an image manipulation abstraction toolkit for Symfony-based projects. Dependency Badge
liip/laravel-langman Manage language files with ease. (forked from @themsaid) Dependency Badge
liip/liip-magento-shared Shared Magento Extension Dependency Badge
liip/magento-bundle Integrate Magento into Symfony2 applications Dependency Badge
liip/magento-order-by-sku Allows to add product to cart by specifying SKU only from widget. Dependency Badge
liip/magento-order-email-jsonld Add JSON-LD markup to new order email Dependency Badge
liip/metadata-parser Parser for metadata Dependency Badge
liip/monitor Liip Monitor library Dependency Badge
liip/monitor-bundle Liip Monitor Bundle Dependency Badge
liip/multiplex-bundle This Bundles enables 'multiplexing' multiple requests into a single Request/Response Dependency Badge
liip/oneall-bundle Symfony2 Bundle to integrate Dependency Badge
liip/process-manager Provides a simple locking mechanism based on UNIX process id's written to a PID file. Dependency Badge
liip/registryadaptor This library extension provides a set of adaptors to the LiipDrupalRegistryModule. Dependency Badge
liip/rmt Release Management Tool: a handy tool to help releasing new version of your software Dependency Badge
liip/rokka-imagine-bundle This bundle provides an integration between ImagineBundle and Rokka service. Dependency Badge
liip/search-bundle This bundles provides some basic infrastructure for creating a search UI in Symfony2 applications along with integration with Google's search API Dependency Badge
liip/serializer High performance serializer that works with code generated helpers to achieve high throughput. Dependency Badge
liip/serializer-jms-adapter Adapter to use liip/serializer in place of jms/serializer. Dependency Badge
liip/soap-recorder-bundle A simple recorder for SOAP communication Dependency Badge
liip/test-fixtures-bundle This bundles enables efficient loading of Doctrine fixtures in functional test-cases for Symfony applications Dependency Badge
liip/theme-bundle Provides theming support for #Symfony2 Bundles Dependency Badge
liip/translation-bundle provide various tools to ease translation management Dependency Badge
liip/url-auto-converter-bundle This bundle adds a Twig Extension with a filter for automatically converting urls and emails in a string to html links Dependency Badge
liip/vie-bundle VIE is a way to make any site using RDFa editable. Dependency Badge